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Lv 7
JJ fragte in Society & CultureLanguages · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Email program translations to Traditional Chinese, please?

I'd be grateful if users of Trad. Chinese email programs such as would be kind enough to give me the equivalents of the following "actions" in Chinese plus any others they can think of.

Thanks in advance for any help.



My contacts

Check mail

Write a message / compose

Send mail

Sent mail


Deleted mail / items



5 Antworten

    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Email 電子信件

    My contacts 我的聯絡人

    Check mail 檢查信件

    Write a message / compose 新信/撰寫信件

    Send mail 寄信/送出

    Sent mail you mean the mail that is already sent? It would be 寄件備份

    Delete 刪除

    Deleted mail / items 已刪信件

    Forward 轉寄

    Reply 回覆

    Quelle(n): I live in Taiwan.
  • tammi
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    ???? = the two certainly one of you; the two certainly one of you ?? = do no longer desire; would not desire ?? = to make returned [insinuating some thing undesirable will take place] 543 = chinese language code: based on the dialect, it must be something. ?? = [must be related to the previous action be conscious or word]previous stressful of a accomplished action. ??? = you're stressful me to death; you're troubling me to death. ? = nutrition dish for prisoners. because of the fact that i do no longer know what dialect that's spoken in, there is not any way for me to decipher the code 543.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i can not write and read chinese in this computer,but i can help you translate to 'pin yin'.

    Email (dian zi you jian)

    My contacts (wo de lian xi lu)

    Check mail (jian cha you jian )

    Write a message / compose(xie you jian /hui fu you jian)

    Send mail(fa song you jian)

    Sent mail (yi fa song you jian)

    Delete (shan chu)

    Deleted mail / items(yi shan chu de you jian/ xi tong)

    Forward(xiang qian yi bu )

    Reply (xiang hou yi bu)

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    電子郵件/電子郵箱(or it can be short for 電郵)

    My contacts


    Check mail


    Write a message / compose


    Send mail


    Sent mail




    Deleted mail / items






    hope my answer can help ~

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i can't read or write chinese, i use this site however, and it hasn't failed me yet...

    it will translate english to traditional or simplified chinese

    hope this helps

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