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library war anime and specia a?

how long dose it take to sub library war and special a

1 Antwort

  • kyrori
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Which group's subs are you watching for Library War? Do you care or are you fine with whichever group releases subs fastest?

    List of groups subbing Library War:

    ^ Ocha releases the fastest. Their site:


    As for Special A, I'm going to write the rest of this answer assuming you're watching BakaWolf & m.3.3.w subs.

    Look at the FAQ on m.3.3.w's site:

    ^ Go down to "Releases" and read "1. What is your release schedule like?". Expected sub release for Special A is within 3-4 days after an episode airs. Episode 11 aired the 15th, subs should be out soon but it's not definite. Once episode 11 is released, there'll be an update on it on m.3.3.w's site, so check it often, once episode 11 is released there'll be a post about it.

    List of groups subbing Special A:


    How long it takes for subs to be released depends on the group. So it'll help me help you if you tell me which group's subs you're watching. Longer explanation here:;_ylt=AqaCf...

    ^ Basically the smartest thing to do would be to just check the fansub group's site often. If the group doesn't update their site or don't have one, check sites like Tokyo Tosho, Baka-Updates, or AnimeSuki (Library War and Special A aren't licensed).

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