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stylediva007 fragte in SportsWrestling · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

I wanna be the next SmackDown General manager...? can I get this?


I'am a woman.

I'am not mean.

I would be really clever with my desicions.

But my problem is I'am from Germany, do I have to move to Amerika at first?


Oh, yes I forgot I'm an actress...

5 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort


    First you will have to move the America, yes

    2nd you have to take some acting classes to make sure you can articulate and pronounce words when you have to speak outloud.

    3rd you have to have determination to be the best and give the crowd what they want.

    4th You have to stay patient, you will have to spend a lot of years in the WWE before you get that shot at GM

    Now you go and follow your dreams and don't let anything stop you, OK.

    Quelle(n): I have a soft spot for these kind of questions sometimes.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Great Decision, Replacing Vickie Well Yeah Moving To America Get A Contract With WWE And Go To A Few Classes, An Interview With Mr Mcmahon And He Might Just Make It Happen. XD

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Actually you can't just be a GM just by moving to America.You should go for the WWE diva search 08 and if you are the winner,you will become a WWE diva and after that if they you are lucky that the GM has to be replaced in any storylines you MIGHT be picked to be the GM.

    Anyways if you are not mean and clever with your decisions it doesn't mean that you will appear on tv that way because they might ask you to be a heel character.

  • Johnny
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Be attractive, fit, have large breasts, and be a good actor OR be related to a famous wrestler that tragically died... Enough said.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Sleep with Macmahon

    if your pretty than he may make you into a Diva

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