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Anybody know were I can download Algebra&Trigonometry Book?

I need a book Algebra&Trigonometry Athor Aufman Nation,Barker sixth edition.Were can I download educational books? ISBN-10:061882510


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    You can get 30,000+ legal out of copyright books from Gutenberg. However after January 1, 1923, you need the author's permission to read it online for free. Most authors can't afford to do this. Cory Doctorow is one of the few. Many authors are getting ripped off by pirates that scan their books without their permission and upload them to various sites. This is wrong and illegal. Meg Cabot has this to say about epiracy: "But what about the many hard-working people who edited, copy-edited, copy-set, printed, designed, publicized, and did whatever else was necessary to get that book into print? The publishing industry is in big trouble right now, just like all those other industries we hear about on TV every night during the evening news…only no one is bailing the publishing industry out. So publishers are having to lay people off, shut down whole divisions, and cancel book contracts. Projects some of us have been working on are being “post-poned indefinitely.” One of my best friends just got laid off from her job last week. And of course, bookstores all over the country are having to shut down due to flagging sales. This is just wrong."

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