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G*E*N*I*E fragte in TravelUnited KingdomLondon · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

How to find a rent in Staines?

Well, I am coming from another country to work in Staines for a british company. But I dont know where to search for a rent in Staines. I am looking for a single rent/appartment which does not cost more than 200 Pounds a week. Can someone give me advises where I can look for local rents? (Websites, Phone Numbers, etc. whatever you have as an advise) Thanks!


What do you mean? Is Staines a bad city? (Criminal area?)

5 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Here's a really good place to start ... it's a site called UpMyStreet, and you'll find all sorts of useful local information here.

    Here I've opened up the listings of properties available to rent but if you have a little look around the site you'll see it also gives other background info.

    It has ancient origins (it existed in 1086 and was mentioned in the Domesday Book) -- however, it's now all modern and not a very interesting place to visit. Just an ordinary suburban town, with lots of residents who travel to London for work.

    Because it's so near to Heathrow, it's become home to several big companies... Logica, British Gas and BUPA among them -- plus, of course, the company that you're coming to work for.

    Another reason why Staines gets a lot of mockery is simply its name -- it sounds like 'stains'... =(

    Anyway, good luck finding somewhere to live.

    My advice is to rent somewhere on a short-term agreement while you get to know the town. Then you'll be able to find somewhere more permanent.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Gumtree..i think i saw an ad for a place in staines. my bf lives in Staines and i go down there sometimes and i don't feel unsafe there or anything. however he doesn't like the area because he says that there are a lot of "pikeys" and "chavs" there, especially on friday night and weekend nights. and like sometimes apparently there are some fights there and what-not... i suppose if you stay in an okay neighbourhood it should be ok? like i said i've never felt unsafe there, though of course when i'm over there i'm always with my bf and we don't go out on fri/sat/sun evenings. from what i know that crime rate there isn't abnormally high though.

    and it's just like half an hour away from london (fast train) so that's pretty good! and near twickenham if you like rugby.

  • Niki
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Staines isn't a bad place ,honest.

    There are just lots of drunks on Friday night,

    and because it's got quite good shopping you'll get lots of people there, good and bad.

    The links up there ^ are good.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think boring may be what they're grasping for, it's not quite the sticks but I can think of other places I'd rather be, most of them within easy access of a tube station

    Local government website:

    To have a look for rental properties:

    You might want to have a chat with some of the folks on here too:

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    going 2 staines is worse than going 2 coventry

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