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Lv 5
NAB fragte in Consumer ElectronicsCameras · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Formatting SD/MMC after I've deleted all images. My camera asks, 'Low Level Format'?

I have a Canon PowerShot A620. I always format (while still installed in the camera) my sd/mmc (512mb, 1gb, 2 gb), after I've deleted all the images.

I can choose to format in 'low level format', or not. It might be overkill, but I format the sd/mmc card twice; one in 'low level format' and the other NOT in low level.

Which mode (low level or 'not' low level) should I be formatting my sd/mmc? What's the difference? Or does it depend on the size of the sd/mmc?

Thanks in advance for your answers.


Can't find the darn manual to my camera. I misplaced it somewhere in the house...

Update 2:

btw fhotoace, I did not TD your answer.

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    If you have a look in your Advanced User Guide (Index...Formatting), it says that you should select the Low Level Format option if you suspect the read/write speed of your memory card has dropped.

    So, in general just select the other Format option and maybe once in a while select, low level format.

    And as fhotoace don't need to delete all images and then format the card. Formatting alone will delete all the images.

    Tops marks for your enthusiasm, though.

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