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Loteria la Quiniela?

Hi :) I don't speak spanish, so I ask in english if it's ok.

My uncle recived a letter from Loteria La Quiniela, stating he won a huge amount of money in a program called "de la quiniela". He should claim the money by calling a phone number.

Is this a valid lottery in spain? Or is that some kind of scam?

Best and thanks for your answers.

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort


    I do not know very much an English but well either:

    The LOTTERY THE SPORTS LOTTERY if it exists in Spain, but it to my me sounds to swindle(racket), since lately they have detained Nigerian persons for forging tickets. You have to play one o more tickets in an Official Administration, and with the security that they give you you receive it. They never send a letter in order that you receive the prize.

    I recommend to you not to call to this number, and if you want, find out in the official web page of Lotteries and Bets of the State

    If you need more help, write to me to


  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It He,has to be going to claim the money

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