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European Motoring - Translation of terms?

Does anybody out there know of a web page showing the translations of common motoring terms in English and the other European languages


The signs are fine, I'm looking for other words relating to simple problems like "Drive belt", "My postillion has been struck by lightning" "Is this the DIESEL pump?" and similar

4 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    this website: let's you chose by country and there is usually a heading for you to look at the road signs of the country. Most signs are easily recognised as they're similar, if not the same, to the UK ones.

    For driving abroad information in general (speed limits etc) I find this website clearer:

    Another idea is to check an online dictionary such as the one at is has 3 or 4 other european languages. You could also ask in the free forums there for driving terms. (Maybe you'll get best responses in the general / cutlure sections and ask people for a list of terms in their own languages)

    On top of that, look for a european phrase book that has such common terms listed.

    Safe driving

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think you'll be best served with the lists at the local Wikipedias; but don't be afraid. European road signs are usually much picturesque than American ones are: Whether the thing is called "uit" (Dutch), "uscita" (Italian), "Ausfahrt" (German): The arrow bends and points always in the direction you have to drive to leave the highway.

    I'm German and I drove through some European countries, Italy, Netherlands, France, Belgium: It would have made me mad to learn all about their specific rules and signs. You learn by driving, and when in doubt, drive slow or trust a trucker. There's nothing better you can have than a truck on a foreign highway driving in your direction. You may have to drive slow, but when you're unsure, follow the truck.

    Unfortunately we have no common European language, and even the color of the road signs is not always the same. But Europe agreed on using understandable pictograms on the roads, and I think you will find that quite convenient. The most important is the round sign with a red border and a black number within it: It indicates a speed limit, in km/h. You should stick to it. Speed radars are the European cash machine; they have them all over.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    I dont understand why that individual merely blew her cap off thinking there ARE differences between ecu and latín spanish. nevertheless regrettably for you, for this reason, there is not. Wherewere you?: Dónde estabas? (once you're speaking a pair of little on a similar time as lower back) as an occasion, the place have been you final christmas. Or donde estuviste? (if it became into those days) as an occasion, the place have been you this morning. the place aré you(now)?: Dónde estás? you merely easily must be taught the difference between the preterite and the imperfect.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    most of the symbols are international such as the shape of a stop sign and the color red

    Interdit - means do not enter in French

    good luck you'll be fine

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