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What negative effects does caffeine have?

Im a sucker for strong coffee, red bull, and coke is that bad

9 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    It makes you pee more than you should, so you should compensate all that coffee coke and red bull with plenty water.

    Caffine is a diuretic with means you produce less ADH hormone which controls how much water your kidneys let out, ADH basically blocks the filter and stops you losing water but caffine has a negative effect so drinking loads of caffine means your body will lose more water than its producing, so for you the standard 4 litres of water a day is not enough

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Excessive amounts of caffine can cause tons of problems because caffine constricts the blood vessels. It also makes you hyper, which can potentially result in lack of sleep. Some people also state that it is addictive.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    if i have too much i go hyper i get trembly hands and i get a bit snappy not good really its very bad if i have too much redbull i just go giddy even more so when theres a vodka slipped in it lol

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It makes you very hyper,alot of people say that this is a bad thing, but i dont think it is, it justs makes you more enegetic :D x

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  • Uggle
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    not much really.

    it can make you unable to sleep, but that's not rocket science.

    it can make you hyperactive (though only really a problem if you're a small annoying child).

    nothing worth worrying about really

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Old age nervousness

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The following parragraph contain the efect of the cafeine to teh

    Effects of caffeine [edit]

    Generally speaking, caffeine is a psychostimulant which has the main effects of accelerating heartbeat after a few minutes can cause a sensation of waking up.

    Caffeine causes vasodilatation. It has effects at the level of cardiovascular, respiratory and gastro-intestinal. In addition, it operates at the level of skeletal muscle, renal blood flow, glycogenolysis and lipolysis.

    Taking too much caffeine can lead to poisoning. These symptoms are insomnia, nervousness, excitement, flushing skin (a face red), increasing diuresis, and gastrointestinal problems. For some people, they may occur after taking as low as 250 mg per day. More than one gram per day can generate involuntary muscle contractions, and thoughts about erratic, cardiac arrhythmia and a psychomotor agitation. The symptoms of caffeine poisoning are similar to those of a panic and generalized anxiety disorder. The LD50 of caffeine ingestion in rats is 192 mg / kg. Although this value can be directly extrapolated to humans, it can be assumed that the intake of about 10 grams of caffeine in human adults, or about 100 cups of coffee, would be lethal in 50% of case. Caffeine is therefore classified as moderately toxic substances.

    On the central nervous system [edit]

    Caffeine works by antagonism of adenosine receptors in the brain. Shown here, side by side, caffeine and adenosine. It is thought that caffeine acts on the brain mainly by antagonism of adenosine, ie that caffeine blocks its receivers. The adenosine, when it binds to receptors of nerve cells, decreases the activity of the cell through the G protein that remain attached to receptors and thus can not initiate the chain reaction that leads to the activity of the cell; happens for example during sleep. The molecule of caffeine, which is structurally similar to adenosine, not decreasing cell activity; on the contrary, it binds to receptors and prevents the action of adenosine.

    The increase in nerve activity that results triggers the release of adrenaline, a hormone that causes several effects such as increased heart rate (chronotropic +), the contractility of the heart (inotropic +), the pressure blood, the blood supply to the muscles, the decrease in the blood supply to other organs (except the brain) and the release of glucose by the liver, néoglucogénèse for example.

    In addition, caffeine increases levels of dopamine (a neurotransmitter) in the brain, as would amphetamines, for example.

    The effects of caffeine, unlike those of alcohol or other central nervous system stimulants, are short-lived. Moreover, the caffeine did not affect the merger or other higher mental functions.

    Consumption continues to caffeine eventually Devices addiction linked to the excesses of adenosine receptors and the lack of dopamine receptors. During weaning, the body becomes hyper-sensitive to adenosine, which increases blood pressure dramatically and can lead to very strong headaches and other symptoms such as bradycardia, and the lack of dopamine can generate an depression and a marked decrease in brain performance, which is why we always recommend a gradual withdrawal over several weeks or months. However, unlike other central nervous system stimulants, caffeine does not act directly on the nucleus accumbens, head of the psychological addiction.

    Recent studies suggest that caffeine intake by the coffee might reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease [1], but further study is needed.

    Studies show, however the positive effects of caffeine. A 2000 study on premature suggests that caffeine has a positive role on respiratory functions. [2]

    Pharmacokinetics [edit]

    CaféineLa of caffeine molecule is rapidly and completely absorbed by the digestive tract, and reaches the brain from the 5th minute after ingestion. It is likened to 75% after a quarter of an hour and peak plasma is reached after an hour. Its half-life is 4 to 6 hours.

    Caffeine diffuse rapidly in the extra-vascular. It is only weakly related to circulating plasma proteins (approximately 15%). It passes the blood-brain barrier because of its resemblance to adenosine. Its concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid equals that of plasma.

    The shift in human milk is also important, the concentration is 50% of the plasma concentration of the mother. In adults, caffeine is almost completely metabolized in the liver by oxidation, demethylation and acetylation.

    Caffeine can be detected in the body after more than 24 hours after the last dose of caffeine, either by blood analysis globular or chemical examination of urine.

    The caffeine in foods [edit]

    Many foods are known for their wealth of caffeine [3] Food Grade average mg of caffeine

    100 ml espresso 175

    100 ml coffee filter 145

    100 g dark chocolate 72

    100 ml instant coffee 56

    Energy Drink 100 ml (Type Red Bull) 32

    100 ml 20 tea

    9.6 ml Cola 100

    100 ml 2 decaffeinated coffee

    In practice, espresso contains less caffeine than indicated in the table above. It is a false belief to believe espresso cafeiné more. The water arriving under-pressure grinding coffee does not have time to fully load caffeine is less soluble than other components of coffee. Moreover, the volume of a cup of espresso is less than that of a cup of coffee in general.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    yea its super bad,,

    caffeine makes you addicted, and it also makes you short well thats a theory

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i had'nt noticed any side effects you only live once

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