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What's the big deal with evolution and intelligent design?

I don't get it - what's this discussion all about - about 6 weeks of biology class curriculum (that's as far as I remember how long we had that topic at my school)?

Isn't it simply possible to say: "You learn this evolution thing..." and to put a disclaimer in the teaching "Evolution might be correct or might be wrong - God, Allah, the FSM or whatever you name it could also have designed all creatures - check with your pastor or other religious representative on earth for further consultaions..."

5 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Yep, but unless you want to get fired, you better not say it.

    Most Christians I know don't want biblical creationism taught in science classes. What we want is for molecules-to-man evolution to be taught with all its warts (they are not even allowed to present evidence that would put evolution in a poor light). And we want intelligent design to at least to be presented. Unlike leprechauns and a flat earth, etc., a significant percentage of the (tax paying) population believes in ID.

    Good science teaching should include controversies (or at least allow them to be mentioned). But, whenever you talk about this kind of stuff, evolutionists jump from their trees and start behaving as if someone had stolen their bananas. Apparently, academic freedom is for other subjects.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You're absolutely correct. However, unfortunately, the amount of thought you've invested in the issue is plainly much more than most others have. Consequently, many people fail to consider the possibility you raised. Also, clouding the issue is that evolution on one level is factual: species, like everything else, change. Animals, for example, adapt to their environments. On another level, evolution remains theory; unproven though it is often naively touted as fact. There is absolutely no evidence, for example, that humans evolved from apes; a transmogrification that would necessarily involve a radical change in DNA. Humans have human DNA; no other creature has it and ostensibly, never has. And certainly, Darwin and no rational person ever intended for evolution to be used on a macro level: i.e. evolution cannot explain existence or the origin of the universe or physical realm. The fact that organisms adapt to their environment has nothing to do with such grave philosophical issues. Evolution is a red herring for the purposes of answering the big questions regarding existence and anyone who believes that all of evolution theory is correct has obviously studied it very little. As stated, it was never intended by Darwin to be used on a macro scale. While there is logic-based proof of the existence of a non-physical entity that brought the physical realm into existence (who necessarily exists outside of the time-space-matter continuum) there is no proof that organisms become other organism types, replete with different dna. The questions involving origins of the universe etc. cannot be answered by evolution theory (macro, micro or any other type). Evolution theory does not even attempt to answer these questions (though Intelligent Design most certainly does). For example: How is it that anything exists at all? The atheist or Darwinist has nowhere to go except to retreat to the very uncomfortable corner where he/she is forced by the brutality of logic to state the absurdity upon which their claims are based: that is, that the 'universe' has simply always existed and not only that but was always in motion without ever having been put in motion. Tell this to a "retarded" person or a child and observe their expression. They know, intuitively, that what you told them is nincompoopery though they probably cannot enunciate the reason. The physical realm had a beginning, else, time would extend infinitely into the past which we know is not possible for if it were, then no point in time would ever be reached as there would be no starting point from which to move forward or progress. Apparently, some people are not adept at profound rational thought or formal operations when the goal is something more complicated than long division as, plainly, Euclidean Geometry appears to be out of the ambit of their cerebral processes.

    Quelle(n): too many to list
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Well then why don't all churches have signs on them that read "The God of this church is what this church believes. Other churches have other Gods, and some people believe in tree spirits and some in nothing at all, we suggest you keep an open mind"?

    How about a sticker in the Christian bible that says "This book has portrayals of a man named Jesus as the son of god. Not all accept that Jesus ever existed and many do not hold to this belief, keep an open mind"?

    Or a sticker in English language book "This book deals with English. There are alternative languages though that many people speak exclusivley instead of English"?

    Because it would be stupid that's why.

    Just like that silly little sticker ALREADY tried and shot down since it was a violation of Constitution.

    Science is for science content, NON-Science should keep its nose out of science class.

    Here is main point. When you walk into English class you accept the BASIC concept that you are going to be dealing with English, not German, not spanish, no cooking, not metallurgy; English. Because each sphere of education Language, Science, History, Math, etc all have their UNIQUE perspective on the entire world and due to the fact they human beings do not live for eternity each classroom has to limit it's scope in order to impart the information needed for an education.

    To put it in economic terms it is the division of labor, we seperate each course and then when you go into that course's classroom you immerse in ONLY that topic so you can absorb it.

    Now in your own private life if you wanna then go and compare the apples of science to the oranges of religion....fine but there is no right to force others to do so as it is a waste of our most precious resource....TIME.

    Besides, if a person's faith in his/her God is so simple-minded and weak that it cannot withstand living in the real world...then he/she never really had any faith at all and should be honest and say so and work on it instead of trying to act like being blind to the world is the only way to have faith.

    Ever notice that 99.99999% of the scientific community does not accpet ID? Ever notice that the few scientists that do are usually not Biologists or Gene experts? Ever wonder why that is? You should.

    You might as well take the word of a politician in regard to how to fly a space shuttle if you are going to take the word of the ID proponents over the science community.

    Oh but I forgot...if we don't cater to the ID crowd's every whim+desire we are conspiring against them like a millenia old illuminati organization in an attempt to control the news outlets of all the world

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    the big deal is people just can't believe that people are stupid enough to believe in one or the other. when only one can be obliviously right .

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Um... evolution happened. God did not.

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