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How can i create a Video using a specific idea ? (read details)?

I would like to create a music-video with an editing software...

Its fast music, and i need need to do many fast and dramatic cuts which match the music pattern.

Now i thought i create an additional videotrack where i can actually see ..'changes' .. helping me to 'see' where to put in sequences i preselected somewhere....

trouble is ... how ?

From filming a VU-meter on the mixer to paying for a dancer jumping around to the rhythm......any idea is highly appreciated....

Or is there any software on the market doing some sort of thing ?

(The thing is.. i did hat without such a 'helping track' and it needs DAYS for just 5 minutes music)

who did that before and how, using which software ?

yeah and sure this is the wrong category .. any idea in which it would fit ?

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