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David S fragte in Home & GardenGarden & Landscape · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

When is the best time to plant Verbascum in my garden. Will they be damaged by late frosts?

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    the verbascum most commonly grown in gardens is V. mullein. this comes in numerous cultivars from 2-6 feet tall. they are lovely summer flowering perennials, a few types are biennial. They can be raised from seed sown in late summer or about now in heat. if your plants have been grown from a last years sowing make sure they have been fully hardened off, by placing them in a sheltered spot for about 2 weeks, the plants are then safe to plant out. Verbascum is a tall statuesque plant, I use mine to give height to the borders. mine are yellow coloured,4' tall, lost the name years ago. They do re seed, if you put the seedlings in small pots you can grow them on.

    When properly hardened off, they are fully frost hardy.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Purchase plants or start seeds indoors several weeks before the last frost (they take up to two weeks to germinate). Root cuttings can be taken in the autumn and grown indoors over winter or in a greenhouse or cold frame for transplanting in the spring - WHEN THE LAST RISK OF FROST HAS PASSED. Verbascum hybrids are usually somewhat short- lived in the garden. They form large silver stalks full of rosettes the first year and produce flowers the second year. Avoid over watering these plants and you'll avoid root rot. Apply a slow release fertilizer during the second season. Divide plants carefully in the spring of the third season to reinvigorate growth. They are really pretty - Good Luck!

  • vor 6 Jahren

    put it in ur c o ck then see what happens

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