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1. "Und meine Selle spanne weit ihre Flügel aus...." Eichendorff?

2."Und grausig gultzt der Golz" (oder so) Morgenstern?

Ja, ich weiss schon, ich könnte mich jetzt durch 36.000 Seiten auf Google durcharbeiten, Vielleicht könnt ihr mir schneller helfen!


@prettywoman. Being new to the Internet, I hadn´t noticed I was not on a German site. I see, everyone looking into my question should feel like in an X-File-Show. SORRY. Had to laugh, though. Thanks for making me know, though.

Update 2:

And don´t give me "Nil points", I was at least trying!!!

Update 3:

@JoanC. Thank you! Unexpectedly, one person in the UK knew what I was talking about. Amazing, you knew this!!!! Alles Liebe, Rachel.

Update 4:

@jonr. Am really starting to get confused! Are there US, UK and Germany sites, from what you say - no´! I was only trying to find an old, treasured poem. Didn´t realize, there would be so many issues about nationality. Would like to hear from all of you!!!!

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    "und grausig gutzt der goltz Christian Morgenstern (ok: the fluegelflagel gausters through wiruwaruwoods the red fingur plausters" ...

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    "Und meine Seele spannte..." ist von Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff. Es ist von seine Gedicht "Mondnacht"

    And this isn't just the UK either. There are people from all over the world on this forum. Though I must say to the first commenter, that this is the first time I've seen an Englishman/woman be culturally ignorant here. Usually it's my fellow Americans showing their lack of awareness.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt




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