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Parents Held responsible 4 19yo Actions?
16 yr old's computer was seized during search. No charges brought after the search. When 16 yr old's parents try to get the computer from Police Dept., they are told no. After 7 mos of trying to retrieve the computer, parents are called by the police dpt. & told that the 16 yr. old son is being charged with posession of child porn. Apparently he had nude pics of his 16 yr old gf on his computer. Police tell parents to bring son in for questioning. They make an appt for the following day. Police instead come that evening & arrest the boy. Boy says pics are of his GF, gives them her address and parent's names. GF's parents are notified and GF confesses that she emailed pics to boy. Boy is released with a court date in the future. parents & boy show up for court date but police do not. Judge grants continuance, will speak with police Dept & next court date will be mailed. Parents wait 3 mos b4 calling court 2 see about date that was never mailed. Court has no record, no new info.
3 YR
3 YRS LATER: Boy is now 19 years old. He is arrested for failure to appear for the original charge when he was 16. Police say that they mailed him a court date 2 1/2 years ago, & he never showed. Boy does two weeks in the county jail 7 is released. 2 months later, parents receive a bill via mail for the cost of incarcerating their son & the bill of the public defender. Parents think it is a mistake and call the court. Court informs that parents are responsible because charges stemmed from when he was a minor. Parents say they are not going to pay & in reality cannot afford to do so. They receive 3 weeks later a copy of a judgement against them for the amount the police say they owe. Any advice?????
Question is under Law & Ethics. I did not think that parents are responsible for a 19 year old's bills.
2 Antworten
- vor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
Generally speaking anyone over 18 is an adult. They are responsible for their own actions - no one else is.
But something he did as a minor - maybe. This is a weird rule - parents have to pay housing costs for jail? I know nothing about the law there but I'd be fighting that one.
- Good-americanLv 4vor 1 Jahrzehnt
Why is this question under Politics and government? Parents are still responcible for 16 yr. olds.