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katie_24 fragte in EnvironmentGreen Living · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Need help for homework!?

hello i'm a student in germany. and for our english dialogue we have to prepare a discussion on the topic how people think and act properly to environmental issues. our examples are returnable

bottles, stand-by appliances, energy saving lamps and recycling papers. so can you please help us with some arguments. thank you


sorry, i mean how people can act with regard to environmental issues

Update 2:


I wasn't the one who asked that question. actually it was my English teacher. I'm sorry that she can't

speak English. I give my regards to ms. bohr

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    In Devon England only 45% of trash is recycled not very much really Most supermarkets have recycling bins where you can recycling glass bottles & clothing. We have collections each two weeks of Recycled materials such as cans foil cardboard ect these are put into a green bin.

    We can purchase a brown bin to recycle our garden waste this is also collected every two weeks.

    Many of my friends do recycle bits and pieces but some complain that it takes too much time or they simply say well I'm old and I will not be around when the world runs out of resorces so who cares.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    These are all practical steps we can easily take anywhere.

    Glass is re-usable, recyclable, & can be used many ways:

    fibre-glass insulation, glasphalt road paving, etc.

    Stand-by appliances are always on, consuming electricity.

    Look for Energy Star appliances instead, to conserve energy.

    Energy efficient lamps are direct bulb replacements.

    Paper can be readily recycled into different grades/products.

    Recycling paper saves trees & forests from destruction.

    There are many good examples around the world.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    First you must define the word PROPERLY. It sounds as if the thought Police are at it again.

    Perhaps responsibly would be a better word.

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