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What's wrong with my rat?

I have a female rat who is about 1 1/2 years old, is overweight, and is suddenly moving strangely. Her head and front part is tilted to one side, almost as though she didn't have one leg or her neck was stuck in one position. She doesn't, however, seem to have anything wrong with her legs, and doesn't seem to be in any pain. What could have caused this and what can I do???

Sorry for the convoluted explanation, but it's difficult to describe! Thanks for any help! I live in Poland and it's hard to find vets for animals like rats, otherwise I'd take her immediately!

10 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I had a pet rat. It lived for 2 years, towards the end he was like yours then he started twitching , it was a stroke. I am sorry for you.They are great company.

  • cnw002
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It sounds like she had a stroke, yes rats can have strokes but as for what to do normally I'd say get it to a vet now, but in Poland...I don't know, maybe call every vet and pet store in your city and the nearby towns and ask if anybody knows of a vet that works with rats, sorry I can't be more help

  • vor 5 Jahren

    It confident sounds like some style of an infection ran with the aid of them. you're no longer a bad individual. Rodents are suseptible to all sorts of bacterial and respiratory infections and by using the time the 1st one evidenced symptoms they have been probable all ill and it could have been next to impossible to diagnose and handle them speedy sufficient to save them. Did you get them on an identical time from an identical place? How previous have been they? Rats do no longer stay very long besides, they could have been too previous to combat off an infection. i'm truly sorry this got here approximately to you, yet you may desire to no longer experience like it is your fault. And in case you elect to get yet another rat wait awhile to make confident each and every of the germs have had a raffle to die and sparkling each and every of the cages and stuff with bleach and truly warm water. And once you visit get yet another rat check out each and every of the rats and in case you spot any looking even only only somewhat "off" do no longer take any possibilities. go someplace else.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    -Symptom: Tilting of the head, circling, stumbling, falling over, dragging the hindquarters, seizures

    -Body system: ear, brain, and spinal cord.

    -Possible causes: Infections, poisons, accidents(falling) and injuries, nutrition, and old age

    -What to do: confine to habitat to prevent injury, remove know poisons, consult

    I read this out a book, I'm not a vet

    Good luck I have a rat too :)

  • Wie finden Sie die Antworten? Melden Sie sich an, um über die Antwort abzustimmen.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    How can you tell if the rat is in pain? You may need to call a vet just to see what advice they could give you.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    rats are prone to obesity. what do u feed her it could just be her diet affecting her health. im sorry but your description is hard for me to understand and im sorry i cant help with the vet problem either. you could try searching around online there are alot of sites with diseases of rats and so forth.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    She may have an ear infection.

    Here you go, read the one at the very bottom and see if it helps.

    Quelle(n): Owner of two rats.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    umm 1st of all rats are gross dirty and ugly and ditch the rat and get yr self a cat

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i think he or she might be very sick or hurt.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    rats are gross.

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