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Why do men do that?

My friend works with this dude who´s in a relationship. She´s hot for him as he´s hot for herl. They already kissed at a party. Problem is, she can´t get him to go to bed with her. But, no get this, he tells her almost everything of his relationship. That he´s not happy sometimes and stuff like that. That he has dirty thoughts about her, but when she tries for more he says it wouldn´t be good. I say it´s just a matter of time before he surrenders. Thoughts?


He doesn´t have kids, is 50 years old, my friend is 34 years and totally gorgeous, light blonde, blue eyed. Him and his girlfriend are about 2 years together

49 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    My thoughts on this is only scum bucket guys and gals do that sort of thing. He's already in a relationship and he makes no secret of that and she is still trying to bag him in the sack?! How low will she go?! She should stay away from the guy or the day when he surrenders and do it with her and then leaves her to go back to his other girl, this desperate one is going to feel like a big piece of worthless carp.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Tell your friend to appreciate that he is honest, honorable and committed and quit trying to seduce him.

    IF he sleeps with her, his relationship ends, then how will she know he won't do the same thing to her at some point in time.

    I would much rather know a man is hot for me and will not act on it out of honor and duty than to know he can be easily swayed.

    Tell your friend to accept this man as just a friend and IF and WHEN his relationship ends, then move in, but for the meantime, does she really want to be the person responsible for the breakup? It doesn't matter whether or not they are having issues, the bottom line is that she would be considered the other woman and reason for the break-up.

    It's your friends self respect that is more important than a night of sex...

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Why do men do that???? Lets be thankful for the few out there who still have a line (however slim) that they do not cross) Re-reas the first part of your question:::: "this dude is i a relatioship", so they only good thong I see from your quetion is that he is ONLY in a relatioship and not Married with kids. He fkirts, he croseed a line by kissing your friend, who I might say apears to be lacking quite a bit i the moralsl departen. From the sound of it, this "dude" is not coming on to her at all, he is just just using her as someone to vent to about the issues in his 'RELATIONSHIP" What part of relationshop does our your girlfriend, nut understand, much less R-E-S-P-E-C-T?"

    So he kisses her, so what, I am willing to bet they were drunk, it was towards the veryy end of the night, after he drank himslef ito depression over the current situation with his current G/F. You, nor I , and I am quite certain your friend nor either none of us know what is truly going on bewteem the couple. You hear trough third party (albeit wth her emotional spin on is as well) ****NOt to metion the spin the b/f is putting on it when he reveals intimate personal confidensces intinteded to remain private between the two of them.

    Now I am nt saying that a man and a woman cannot be friends, and a a male can have a good enoug, close enough friend that he is comfortable shring his female troubles with (PROBABABLY ASSUMMING SHE IS HIS TRUE FRIEND, ) whom he can go to, count on for advisce.\,, but your friend my dear sounds a little more like she is looking to move in on him while he is sad and vulnerble. I am not suggesting that something wonderful and permanent may not progress from their little flirty flrty, emotional affiar, it can and it does happen. Myabe he is so unahppy with g/f #1 right now, b/c she is just not the one for him. i am sure he is unahppy, but he is ALSO TESTING YOUR FRIEND TO SEE IS IF SHE IS TH EONE, IS SHE WORTHY OF HIS TRUST, WORTY OF GIVING HID HEART TO? so far se has not proven herselrfr to be that woman, she tries to get him in the bed each ight when clearly that is not ehat he wants.

    tell her to back off give hme some space, if she wants anything good to come form this relationship, whether it e that they move forward or just remain friends, she is about ot blow it all

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    for one why is your friend going after a guy that is in a relationship in the first place. Isn't there like millions of other single guys? anyways a guy will say anything. Of course hes going to tell her that hes not happy at home, even if he possibly is happy. Hes a guy. As for him but going to bed with her, hes probably now feeling the guilt of his betraying probably a wonderful girlfriend he has at home. And yes it is possible that he many give in, if its out there for free why not take it but doesn't mean he'll end up leaving his girlfriend for your friend.

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  • meg
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    you dont get many blokes like this anymore,it sounds though he has respect for her,at least he isnt just after one thing,plus he may be a bit afraid he might not be good enough and thinks he will let her down ,by reading the question again you dont say how old he is,if he is young might be the reason,you can think of sorts of reasons has he got a problem like erection problem it does happen to young men due to thinking he isnt going to please her has she talked to him about it,but at the end of the day he may be feeling guilty if he is in another reationship,and wants to make sure it is your friend he wants,like i say there arnt many men like this he could just go ahead and have his wicked way with her

    all the best

    just read the bit you have added on this changes things,i have completly different thoughts now,GUILT he has children and in a proper relationship,she should end it before it splits the family up,it is going to cause heartbreak for his wife and kids,he will never leave his wife and kids for her he might have hots for her but not the love he is trying to ease his concience tell her to get rid for all their sakes

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I had a girl that did that with me. She was dating some guy and he used to hit her and was very verbally abusive. She would tell me all about their relationship together and promise me that they were going to break up so we'd get together. She would come over to my house and hang out feel me up and kiss me. One day I just figured it wasn't worth it because how could you trust her. I was having my fun because It had been years since I've done anything with a girl. I shouldn't be so fast to judge. It will be years yet before I do anything again, but my point is it's not just men that do that.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    WOW .. and your complaining ?

    how many times have we read about how a man only wants to get a girl to bed .. how they cheat , play games , lie , ect ect ..

    Sounds to me like your friend is a bit easy if she wants to get this guy into the bedroom ..and if she is that easy she wont have any trouble finding another guy to sleep with her so that's probably what she needs to do ..

    Why do men do that ?/ well because their are still some of us left with morals .....

  • Fancy
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Even though he is not happy with his current relationship, he apparently still loves that person and wants it to work out, otherwise he would end it. I would say your friend if foolish to keep throwing herself at him. He will not respect that or her, even if he gives in to it. She should stop using just sex to try to win him over. She should develop a more meaningful relationship; and probably with someone that is not "taken" for her own sake.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Why should she want somebody that already has someone. Of course he is going to say what he wants to her about the realationship is in. But why is he still in the realationship if he is so unhappy as he claims and why has he slept with your friend if he was that unhappy. Your friend needs to find somebody that is not already attached to someone b/c even if she did sleep w/him then what she would become his friend w/benefits and that is never good

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    My guess is that he has years invested in their relationship, and may even have kids too! If he gives into his urges, he may lose far more then he gains. I did give in to an old girlfriend because I was feeling very alone. And to this day, I regret that decision very much!

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