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Would someone please tell me which company had the following Peanut Butter commercial?
2 children fight over the last remnant of peanut butter in a jar. To settle the argument, The mother makes a sandwich out of it. She lets the older sibling cut the peanut butter sandwich and the younger sibling choose the half.
I need the brand of peanut butter the ad was trying to sell. It's part of a school project. Thanks.
3 Antworten
- vor 1 Jahrzehnt
Clearly the ad did not have the desired effect of "branding " their product. Isn't it amazing the amount of money they spend to advertise products? More amazing is the fact that we remember the commercials, but often can't name the products. I guess we know that they weren't using subliminal messenges within the commercial.
By the way, I have no idea which peanut butter they were hocking.