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plots at school...?

I have problems with some schoolmates in my class-gradates, because a stupid girl (she's in my class-gradates,too)had told these schoolmates rumors (I don't know what she told them),which aren't true (I guess so, because I didn't do anything bad). So these schoolmates think, that I'm a bad person.But I didn't do anything to this girl! I don't really know the reason for her behaviour, but I guess it was because some months ago I had (in this time, there was a rumor, that I was in love with the guy, with whom I had a controversy) a controversy with a guy (it wasn't anything serious), she was/is in love with.After the controversy,about 2 months, this girl hit me twice at the shoulder and at christmas, during the basketball match,I took revenge on her (I snatched the ball from her, she was very angry).And then she began to tell this rumors.

Pls, answer quickly.

Thanks for the answers in advance!!!!

6 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    you can handle this in a number of ways - to can go to the other students and pick the one that you think will believe you and ask them why they said (make up something) about you and tell them that (the girl mention her by name) said that they said it - or you can just go to them and ask them what was the problem because you heard that someone said that you had said (what ever it was) and if you had wanted to say something to (or had a problem with) one of them you would handle it like an adult and come to them face to face and discuss it - once you get them talking then you can explain the reason for her lying on you

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I remember this stuff happening to me while I was in school too. It's very painful. No matter what you try, you won't be able to stop no one ever in your life from spreading rumors and damaging your reputation. It's just part of life and will happen over and over. I guess it's just one of those difficult things one must endure in life.

    There will always be people that will stand by your side and believe you. Give it time. Sooner or later, those who like to spread rumors are known how they are and will loose credibility. You can do many things, but you will see that none of them will work so that you will never have to go through this again. I think that if you have the guts to confront her with the people involved might be the best option. After that, just ignore her, cause she is the way she is. You can shut your door to a thief but there is no protection againts a liar.

  • Fergy
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Kid stuff .......I know it's a serious thing to you but it is still child behavior all around. It's just childish stuff which is ok since you're very young, but it will all pass and work itself out eventually. Just gotta be patient and be careful what you say and what you do....It is always better to be nice and kind and forgiving in order to get along and move on comfortably. You need no plots or revenge. Let it go and be nice to her and even talk to her. You will find out as you get older that it is easy to make friends and let this kind of stuff go away. Wouldn't you be happier to get along with everyone and live in peace? I know that I would. Give it a try and see where it gets you. Probably become best of friends. Don't cause any problems and things will work out.......(smile)

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    So... let me get this straight... do you want us to attack this girl who bothers you ??

    Where does she live ??... Maybe I can beat her up for you... or I can hang her upside down from a tree.

    Perhaps that would teach her to be a good girl.

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Dont lower your self to her level tell your friends and her your better than that.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    you are a very sad person

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