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Lv 7
hb12 fragte in Social SciencePsychology · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Does cynicism and septicism rule the world now? Is everything good "too good to be true"?

Maybe I should have asked, "Are you a cynic and why?" Has all the spam and wild claims of advertising made us not believe in anything anymore? There is research out now that will revolutionize the world, so all the news isn't bad. The only problem is, it's not in the news, proving the old adage, "No news is good news." By the time good news reaches people it's not really new anyway, but presented as a 'new' discovery. Anything good though is so picked apart by readers not even the carcass is left. How can we change this to where people listen before they leap? Of course the skeptic will say, with not so antisceptic words, "We don't have to change anything." Isn't that fatalism and isn't that a self fulfilling prohecy? That's too many questions. Let's put it to one question, "Does anyone have any good news?"


I find that when your so full of love and joy, you only want to give to the world. That actually works. My family is all sick, judgmental and miserable over world conditions and they can barely help themselves. They say the happiest people they met were working with Mother Teresa. Happy to help and feel you will turn seven thousand years around. If we all had that attitude, we could. Life is made up of apparent contradictions. Your humanitarian side is where all the happy drugs are, you can''t help it. It's the reward for caring, not for not caring. It's the way the mind works. The more compassion, love you have, the more you get. It's like you keep getting checks in the mail and they won't stop sending them. It's a rule of the universe.

4 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    "septicism".......if by that you mean "things are rotten"........well, yes they are, but you have to look for the good in things. If you only look for, and recognize, negative types of things (i.e., people, attributes, actions, effects, etcetera), then that is what you will find.

    If you look for positive things, you will find positive things. If you look around your neighborhood and cannot find anything positive, don't up and move, create something positive. Sweep your sidewalk, plant some flowers, put up a sign that says "MAKE YOUR DAY HAPPY!" Paint your walls pale yellow (it is a happy colour), put on some music, do some stretching exercises.

    Above all, put a smile on your face, and your body's physiological response will be to create endorphins, which will make you feel happy. Once your body and brain feel happy, you will begin to see happy things.

    It is all about the Yin and the Yang. Everything exists, yes? You must put the Yin-spin on it to feel happy.

    Quelle(n): Life experience.
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yeah, I'd say it's pretty difficult not to be cynical nowadays, but that doesn't mean it's a hopeless cause. The real danger I see in avoiding cynicism is people who are relentlessly cheery. Nothing pains me more than the people who could hear half the world was just nuked and would still have a smile on their faces. I want to inspect the corners of their mouths for hooks because the way they act just doesn't seem natural.

    That said, you just can't let the world get you down. There are plenty of good things in the world, it can just be difficult to see if your are constantly bombarded with mindless entertainment, shameless advertising and all the disasters and blood you can cram into a half hour news program. It can give you the impression that all people care about are bright lights, shiny things, cool noises, sex and killing each other or watching each other be killed. My advice would be to talk to a real live person instead of letting fake committee generated humans talk to you. You might find out the good news that we're not all stupid, sex-crazed and violent.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'm a realist

    I try to stay happy and hopefull and usually I manage to do that.

    Yet, there are some VERY bad things happening in the world, and depending on who you are and where you are how sick or whatever. Maybe your life is like that.

    I try to make mine as good as possible.

    I think the web and technology are going to make us all a bit richer. Maybe here in the US we will have to share more though.

    Quelle(n): opinion
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes I'm a cynic. The world is full of ignorance and deceit. Not to say everyone is that way, but enough people are that you can't take anything at face value.

    Don't believe anything until you verify it for yourself.

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