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Muslims, how can you justify this?

Honor killings, women's rooms, acid attacks, child molestation, rape, beating women, genital mutilation,the worth of a woman being 1/4 of a man, women as the property of a man, the fixation on sex and sexual perversion?(72 virgins? every non muslim woman is a prostitute? Mohammed marrying a six year old girl -Aisha?) the koran advocating murder of all non believers? The bloody history of Islam and its prophet Mohammed? The rape of women and children by Mohammed?

This happens everyday in predominately Muslim countries such as Saudi arabia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran. Unless you say that all these countries that practice these atrocities in the name of Islam are radical extremists and do not follow true Islam and they are condemned and should be ostracized by the true followers of Islam (which I have yet to hear from even one Muslim) how in the world do justify these hideous crimes against humankind? Every last one of these perpetrators claim to be Muslim, your faith, do they not?


How come no one can answer this question and instead focuses on other religions? If I wanted to ask about the Crusades or Christianity or the Inquisition, I would have asked it in a different question. Can no Muslim defend this?

Update 2:

maryam, i love it when Muslim men pose as women on yahoo Answers, it's a gas! Seriously, have you researched islam? It seems like you have not and that's a shame. if you have, why would you identify yourself with people who condone and encourage this kind of behavior? Nothing I have heard about any modern day religion disturbs me more than the atrocities I hear from Muslim women on a daily basis. How do you tell a mother who had to watch her two 8 yr old and 11 yr old daughters being stoned to death because their uncle raped them that Islam glorifies its women and that everything is a-okay in Muslim land? Wake up honey (or sonny if that's what you are). Muslim women are being exterminated every day & in every way by the very ones who claim they "honor and cherish" them.

Update 3:

if this is a "minor" issue to you, please do not reply.

Update 4:

WOW! Truth Hurts, huh? And I'm ignorant for pointing out injustice? Gotta love their pointed little minds.

7 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I guess no Muslim wants to face up to this sad fact of their religion. They'd rather sweep it all away in a generalization. Of course you don't see Muslim women protesting their lack of basic human rights in the places mentioned, I believe they would be killed would they not as one who defied islam?

    Muslims are good at talk only when it shows them in a good light. When you put the harsh light of truth on them, they are going to attack you before they run away swearing and cursing one such as you.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Muslims don't justify what occurred. Most are as surprised and disgusted through what happend simply as each different non muslim. Scripture in any faith is open to interpretation. There need to be ingredients of the bible that any individual might interpret as homicide. There are hundreds of thousands of muslims over the arena and just a very small percent are extremists. Christianity has had an overly bloody beyond. Violence as a result of faith is typical for the period of historical past. The international has visible violence from so much religions. Anyone who says you can't pass judgement on a faith situated at the movements of 2 participants is proper. There is a significant islamic neighborhood within the united kingdom, the bulk are priceless and upstanding participants of the neighborhood. They are truthfully abide through united kingdom regulation, and so much do truthfully recognize the nation, extra so than someone rioting and inflicting difficulty. There is just a very small percent of humans from any faith that desire to combat or kill. Judging a entire faith situated on an overly small percent of humans is obviously unsuitable. It could be very deficient technological know-how and any person who truthfully does that is in determined want of a technological know-how or maths GCSE. Only the dangerous makes the scoop. The well that the islamic neighborhood brings does now not acquire any media awareness. I am now not islamic, i'm an atheist, nonetheless I nonetheless recognize the importance of a multifaith nation. What occurred is surprising however we must most effective punish folks who dedicated the act, now not the blameless.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The Bible also justifies holy wars (Crusades? those had scriptural justification), keeping slaves and speaks of women as property. Judaism teaches that you don't have to come to the aid of anyone who isn't a Jew--and hello, circumcision is genital mutilation too, conducted ritually on infants.

    A percentage of Muslims are taking advantage of these most bloody teachings today, but it's not like other religions haven't taken their turn. I wish there was more outrage too, but people didn't exactly take to the streets during the Crusades in defense of the "infidels." The problem is religion itself--it is only harmless when its followers choose to ignore the calls for injustice and hatred that are sitting right there in holy writ.

    EDIT: I don't see many Muslims in this section, mostly because they are subjected to questions like this one. Would you like to defend the crazies who happened to profess your faith? You see us coming to their defense because your question reveals some ignorance. If you already know about the Crusades, why are you asking a question that makes it (seriously) sound like you don't?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The same things have gone on with Christians. There are monsters all over the planet, and they cloak themselves in all different religions. I just think that people see the ones they want to, so a lot of people are hyperfocusing on muslim 'extremists'. Islam is actually a very peaceful religion, and they are a lore more similar to Christianity than you may think.... Follow in your christian beliefs and don't judge others. There's probably a lot you don't know still.

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  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    Hi and Salaam:) You can hear the best answers to all your questions from a scholar/sheikh. Go to a local mosque if you are curious and ask when you could meet with one (preferably one who could speak clear English -which probably means he was born in America). You could probably email them too. My sheikh is Yasir qadhi. There are a lot more well known scholars in Houston and Dallas area. Anyways, don't judge the religion of Islam (which is perfect) by the people who "practice" it i.e. Muslims(who are imperfect-like you and me)

    My advice would be to lay off of any "mass" media too (and anything bias) for the facts. They only persuade (and or brainwash) you to think and act one way. Have a great day!!:)

    Quelle(n): *Local scholar @my mosque *Check YouTube for q&a from scholars *most scholars have a YouTube account of some sort
  • DBznut
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    We don't need to justify anything. Even if I do, you won't listen or believe me, just like no one listens or believes us when we explain Islam. So it's pretty much useless.

    All you mentioned has been debunked by me as well as many others in the past again and again and again.

    My advice is, Stop attacking our beliefs and get a life.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    hey, u seem to be new to this forum.

    coz if u were not, u'd probably have known better and kept your mouth shut.

    first of all, Islam is a religion of peace. Islam is also a very beutiful religion, misunderstood by idiots (excuse moi, but it's true) who feed on what the media and anti-islamists throw around.

    you have come up with the most absurd of all arguments, and sadly, you are not the first (FAR from it, actually)

    everything u've mentioned is greatly exaggerated, the sort of thing people against our religion do - they scrounge around, try to pick on some minor issue, twist it around, and make it seem ghastly....

    oh, as for the thing about Islam women? honey, i'm one of them and let me tell you, i love it.

    why? coz FYI Islam treats both men and women equally, and ISLAM gave women RIGHTS way before people in the rest of the world even thought of them...

    women in the west had to FIGHT for their rights. they were treated like dirt, given no rights to divorce, or even their own DUH when a non-muslim woman got married (somewhere around....hmm...the 1800s? yeah, years after islam) all her property was passed on to her husband.

    Islam on the other hand (again, huindreds of yeasr befor) GAVE women those rights.

    ever seen MUSLIM women protesting on roads for basic human rights? nope. non-muslim women? yeah, sure as hell! they had to get their rights coz their religion didnt give it to them......sad......

    and darling, more intelligent people than u have proven that Muhammad was one of the world's greatest leaders, and one of the best, most humble and decent human beings to have ever walked this go figure

    ok. and here's my main point : if people misbehave, blame it on the INDIVIDUAL not the RELIGION.

    (common sense, actually....coz not a single religion teaches its people to do BAD)

    so please - for your own good - open your eyes, do some good research, broaden that absurdly narrow mind of yours (u aren't related to George Bush BTW, are u?!) and LEARN something about Islam (the truth, i mean) before you embarass yourself with anymore questions like that next time, ok?



    totally agree with DBznut

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