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jimanddottaylor fragte in HealthWomen's Health · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Why do people get their nipples and other personal parts pierced?.?

I've had my nipples pinched and it hurts. Why would someone want to have a needle poked through a very sensitive area? What are the benefits? sexual? I would think that the pain would be a sexual handicap for months. Very few people are going to see the jewelery. I don't understand, but lots of people are doing it.

10 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    It's about lifestyle and culture. Like wearing a suit and tie, or a graduation ring. People express themselves through their clothing and accessories. Look at high heels, it does more damage and pain wearing them for 5 days a week than a well done piercing or tattoo. And still women wear them. How about smoking, it's all about the look, the first drag on a cigarette is awfull, and still smokers persist until they are addicted. Why? Because they want to look cool as kids. Then they grow up and can't quit. Ever heard of a 50 year old that started smoking? No? Because they don't care if it's cool or not. In their own way, that's kind of cool.

  • Tulip
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It hurts when you get them done, but after the pain goes away IT IS THE BEST FEELING EVER!!! Your nipples are sensitive, it will be ever more sensitive and arousing once they have been healed and are fondled.

    People wont see them unless you show them but if you are in an intimate relationship, its such a huge turn on with the slightest touch

    To the other comments:

    I have mine pierced and it does not make me an idiot nor do I show them to people. I am in a commited relationship and I dont care for other peoples attention. I love how they feel and I believe that you guys shouldn't be so closed minded to something you've never experienced.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Ah, but you are WRONG, I think the thing is they are hoping LOTS of people are seeing it!

    It's probably like a right of passage, another way to rebel. Some people rebel by saving the dolphins, some pierce themselves.

    People who pierce other areas are simply advertising, It's like screaming out:

    Hey I'm Ready and I want it!

    I don't particularly agree with it!

    I don't like or agre with tatoos either yet, I have a thing for the red hot chili peppers, GO FIGURE!!!

  • Izzy F
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    they do it for attention.

    It's a step above tatooing, so fewer people do it.

    A step above that is having hardware inserted into your skin.

    I'd say the ultimate would be drilling things into bones. Having had this done after an accident to reset some bones, I'd say this is the single most painful thing I've ever experienced. So that would certainly be real attention getter if people did it for "fun" and attention.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Pagan stupidity for those who like to flirt with Systemic Infections, and Luminous Toxins .......

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It's the self mutilation fad. Been around in Africa and China forever. Organized stupidity. ~

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Possibly they might like it and do it for pleasure.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    they do it because they think a) it makes them look cool or b) they want to make a statement...i no its so stupid

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    because people are idiots.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    idk. i got mine done because i ran out of other parts to pierce.

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