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Why do some people remember dreaming while others do not?

I am 51, and can only remember dreaming maybe 4 dreams....I laugh in my sleep though (happy laugh) so I MUST be dreaming....I have even asked God to let me remember dreams like they say to do....but I don't....not nighttime anyway, but if I ever nap durring day, I can remember dreaming in them. Can someone please explain? (thankyou)


By the way, I am a very imaginative person ... brain is rarely at rest durring waking hours, but, so are my children, and THEY dream a LOT! lol

Update 2:

Thankyou all...your answers all sound great, my inclination would be to give best answer yourdreamdoc for speaking about God, lol, but, will pass this on to a vote just to make it fair

Peace be with you all :)

6 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Different people have different brian activities. Same goes with dreams. We are created differently, our thinking are also different. It is like asking why someone is smarter than me. There is no answer to it. God created us in a different unique way. Only God can give you answer

    Quelle(n): insight from God
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Hi Foreverset, I believe that we all can remember our dreams and even learn how to respond to situations in our dream state. The trick is to set your mind to remember your dreams before you fall asleep, sort of like positive affirmation. I will remember the dream, I will remember the dream. I've gained a great deal just by doing that one simple thing. I had this recurring dream that required me to respond during it, I don't know about you but I never could speak while in the dream state until I taught myself to do so after many, many attempts and I'd wake up saying the most strange things. oh well hope this helps.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Dreams occur in what is called REM sleep, or Rapid Eye Movement. This is because to those awake around the sleeper there eyes appear to flutter and move back and forth, very much like our eyes move when we watch TV or a movie.

    However, the parts of our brain that are active are our frontal cortex, where our short term memory is located, and in the base of our brain near the cortex, this is what controls our autonomic systems, breathing, blinking, heart beat and the like.

    Our short term memory flushes itself about every eight minutes. So unless the thoughts, images and such are not somehow transferred to some other storage part of our brain it will be wiped clean and the images will disappear.

    Here are a few tips to increase your awareness of dreams. Try to not watch TV or Movies for a few days, then adjust you normal sleep pattern. Set your alarm clock for about an hour ahead of when you usually wake up. As soon as you wake up try to recall the last thing you remember.

    Hope that helps.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    ok...since everyone else told u bout rem one way I read about to remember dreams before u fall asleep think about wanting to be able to remember what u dream when you awake lay still a moment and ask urself what u dreamed sometimes u'll surprise urself

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It depends what stage of sleep you wake up in.

    Dreaming occurs primarily in stage 4 (REM) sleep. If you wake up during this stage 4, you will remember your dream, because you were just dreaming it then.

    But if you stay asleep and then into a different stage and then wake up in stage 1 2 or 3 you probably won't remember your dream.

    Some people remember lots of dreams often, others hardly ever. But we do all dream.

    Loads of info on the net. Here's just one link

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    That is strange.. I remember my dreams every night... I wake up thinking that Ive been there.. maybe your trying too hard.. if you stop thinking about it.. maybe it will happen!! Good luck!!

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