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the global voice of "I"?
blogging: the global voice of "I"
and well this includes things like media versus how the comman man has over taken news thru blogging
also blogging versus social networking..
i still need ideas for this one......
and also i need to paste a sort of interview..err 2 interviews actually...any 1 got ideas for the theme i cud take these interviews on???
i need apart frm the interviews.....sumthing of other sorts
like how blogging has now given a celebrity status 2 the individual today...ppl....have helpd in cases lyk the jessica lal case and mattoo case whr blogs have been a major help
so its blogs and social aspects
blogs and mass media
blogs and social networking -- a comparison..
i havta highlight the positivities of them
@ karen . .
well its how blogging has helpd an individuals voice grow global..
so basically its blogging as a major and well globalisation of tht means tht has helpd voice the person...
lyk in social ways and then journalistic ways and then running parallel 2 the media on a whole.
3 Antworten
- Star-DustLv 7vor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
I type in my web search bar and came up with a lot on social networking and l am not sure which one would help you out the most.But just type in what you are looking for and you will see all different ones
- vor 1 Jahrzehnt
I thought blogging was a form of media. From my understanding what your talking about is globalisation and blogging (micro - individual). Check this idea out it might help with your assignment. Also narrative theory where you tell your story which is what a blog is about.