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how does ATP synthesis in photosynthesis compare with ATP synthesis in respiration?
i know they are fairly similar, i think the beginning and end are the only parts that are different. but thats what i need help on.
1 Antwort
- Ke Xu LongLv 4vor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
ATP (Adenosine-tri-phosphate) is the end product of energy metabolism in photosynthesis, which is vegetable involving the storage of energy in the stomata's of leaves through the catalysis of light and heat and sugar.
ATP (Adenosine-tri-phosphate) is the by-product and end product of energy metabolism in respiration is animal in nature involving the burning of energy. We need 36 to 38 ATP to burn one kilo-calorie of energy. The Glycolysis, the Krebs-Cycle(Tri-carboxclyic-acid cycle), Oxidative-Phosphororalization and Fatty Acid Catabolism are are animal in nature.