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Have you ever had a problem with?
For those who take Zoloft do any of you have a problem with dry mouth and trouble quenching thirst? Also do you have yawning attacks. I don't mean just a yawn throughout the day I mean like 5-10 consecutive yawns over and over within seconds from each other . I've only noticed these things after I started taking the meds and was curious if anyone else had/have the same effects.
2 Antworten
- Anonymvor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
Yes this is some of the side affects and, I couldn't stay awake and stopped taking it with the help of my physicians. I have a friend that is on this that complains of the some problems. Talk to your physician about this and your concerns.
- docschollLv 6vor 1 Jahrzehnt wife had similar reactions.
She also lost a lot of her sex drive, too.
Finally convinced her to stop taking Zoloft.
(okay, so I'm a selfish bastard!)