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Lv 7
what? fragte in Science & MathematicsBiology · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

which of the following having peroxisomes? monera, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia?

im pretty sure monera doesnt, but plants do. and i think animals have them too but im not sure about protista and fungi.

2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    This article indicates that peroxisomes are in all living groups of eukaryotes. Not Monera.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Prokaryotic Cells Without Nuclei And Membrane-Bound Organelles --------------------------------------... 1. Kingdom Monera [10,000 species]: Unicellular and colonial--including the true bacteria (eubacteria) and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). --------------------------------------... Eukaryotic Cells With Nuclei And Membrane-Bound Organelles: --------------------------------------... 2. Kingdom Protista (Protoctista) [250,000 species]: Unicellular protozoans and unicellular & multicellular (macroscopic) algae with 9 + 2 cilia and flagella (called undulipodia). --------------------------------------... 3. Kingdom Fungi [100,000 species]: Haploid and dikaryotic (binucleate) cells, multicellular, generally heterotrophic, without cilia and eukaryotic (9 + 2) flagella (undulipodia). --------------------------------------... 4. Kingdom Plantae [250,000 species]: Haplo-diploid life cycles, mostly autotrophic, retaining embryo within female sex organ on parent plant. --------------------------------------... 5. Kingdom Animalia [1,000,000 species]: Multicellular animals, without cell walls and without photosynthetic pigments, forming diploid blastula. --------------------------------------...

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