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If you had information that proves that your government lied to you, what would you do?
Just out of curiosity, if you were handed the proof that your government lied about its reasons for war, proof that they and and a select group of special interest "friends"profited off the destruction of American lives, what would you do with that knowledge?
Would you try to inform and educate as many of your fellow citizens as you can?
Would you try to organize a movement?
Would you be disappointed but do nothing as you would think you were powerless?
Would you not care at all?
15 Antworten
- Anonymvor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
Educate the masses! Support your country, not a corrupt politician!
Quelle(n): - Ted SLv 4vor 1 Jahrzehnt
I'm going to be recieving my copy of Terrorstorm and America: Freedom to Fascism in a week or 2. I plan on making many copies and handing them out to as many people I can.
I don't consider being called a traitor even right. We the people have a right to raise questions about the government if we feel that something is questionable. That and of course being called: Conspiracy theorists, wacko's, loonies, traitors, etc., etc., etc.
I'd like to organize a movement or group to hopefully rally at our state capital bullhorning the truth in hopes that passerbyers would take notice, maybe change their opinions.
I don't think we're powerless. If enough people wake up and stand up to the tyranny, there's still a chance.
Quelle(n):,, TERRORSTORM(google it, watch it) - Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
Government officials of all political parties as well as every human being lies on a near daily basis, it's obvious that you lack all the facts to point your finger at anyone, it's very annoying to be repetitiously pelted with propaganda via the mainstream media monsters, the corruptest of politicians, and totally ignorant people that cannot back up their accusations with facts and or apply logic to reasoning. Fact: All branches of US government are corrupted by greedy, self interest, power, and wealth hungry elitists, thus for those that point their finger at only one source prove themselves to be fools...
- xenypooLv 7vor 1 Jahrzehnt
I would care, of course. However, even if there was a lie to start the war in Iraq, for example, I would stand by the war, since if America leaves it now, Iran will cause WW III, by continuing to try and make Nuclear bombs to destroy the Jews, and Israel, America, and Iraq! We, the USA are the only ones left to cause the progresstion of Democracy, Republic's, and Freedom! If we die, freedom dies. We will not die, our spirit is too strong.
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- vor 1 Jahrzehnt
I would give a press conference to get the information as public as possible. Then I would hide for a this point I wouldn't put anything past the Bushwacker, and I don't want to be on his hit list.
- MoltarRocksLv 7vor 1 Jahrzehnt
Don't the 9/11 conspiracy theorists who sell books and other items profit off the loss of American lives?
What would you do about them?
If there's bona fide proof, I'd be pissed, but I'd vote for change.
- smartypants909Lv 7vor 1 Jahrzehnt
I am a known letter writer, I have had many letters to the editor printed in the paper, I have received responses from Senators, Congressmen, and even from the President's office, I would write letters to everyone I know.
- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
Lady, governments, people and everybody have the hobby of lying, no body here on earth could say that is a saint. Why are you trying to look like we human being or government are perfect, none of us are. Just a little bit better,. that all. Have you ever lied,?
- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
I'd mail a copy to George along with a note requesting one billion dollars.
- vor 1 Jahrzehnt
Well apparently I would sit back and watch what others are doing with the same information. and have plenty of heated discussions on Thursday nights with my friends.
Oh yeah yell at the TV alot.