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Which family is the more evil political dynasty-The Kennedys or the Bushes?

Personally I think the Bushes are because the Kennedys started out as idealists. The Bushes remind me of evil chessmasters with the world as their chessboard. They have been strategically placing their chesspieces since Bush Sr. was head of the CIA. But again, that's just my opinion, and I am neither a Democrat or Republican. I am interested however, in your opinion.

18 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I think you are all missing the point. The question does not state that the Kennedys are good and the Bushes are evil. It says both are evil.

    I agree that the Kennedys started out their political dynasty as idealists but got turned out along the way. Camelot was a huge hype glamorizing their style while hiding the corruption underneath. Ted Kennedy has never been brought to justice. But the Kennedys have been slowly dying out and the kids have shown some sense by not actively seeking a career in politics.

    The Bush family have been proven to be in bed with the enemy for several decades. Their friends love them and will protect them at all costs because they are lining their purses. I don't see them going away any time soon and I agree that with the Bush family it's always been and always will be about the money.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You aren't supposed to answer your own questions. The Kennedys are far form idealistic. You have fallen for the Camelot myth. The ONLY reason JFK is held in such high regard is that he was assassinated. Joe Kennedy Sr planned for 1st Joe Jr & after he died JFK to become pres. That family wanted it in the worst way. There is nothing bad about being DCI. The CIA is important to national security. Just sometimes they don't do a very good job. IMHO the Kennedys are MUCH worse.

    From all members of both families, GW Bush is the best.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The bushes by far, JFK was one week away from moving the silver certificate bill into congress. that bill would have put the power into the hands of the american people. since his death there has been no reform to our money policy? or even serious talk of our money policy AT ALL? If you want to know who runs things in this country, look no further then the federal reserve. all you have to do is look at the tape. JFK was shot from the front, the book depository was behind him when he was shot. It is a shame the american people have been conditioned to associate anyone with questions with conspiracy nuts. so it makes people afraid to ask questions. ask yourself why are people so upset at questions? Chess is a great game it's about leading your opponent one way and attacking another. when russia so easily sacrificed it's piece. people should have known something was up. they did invent the game after all. Read Gorbachevs speeches after he relinquished the soviet bloc. they are incredible. democrats and republicans have been bishops of the socialist for almost 100 years. and all the american people have left on the table are pawns. say hello to the queen for me.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The Kennedy's had JFK and Bobby Kennedy. The Bush's had George Sr., George Jr., Jeb, and the drunk girls. Tough call.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No...the Kennedy's started out as bootleggers. I'm pretty sure Ted Kennedy alone is a more evil dynasty than all of the Bushes combined!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The Kennedy's started out on how to make the most money by conning the American People. Joe Kennedy Sr. was a money-hungry Moron who didn't even spend time with his kids. The rest of the clan are rapists, murderers (Good old Ted, huh?), drunks (good old Ted, and Joe, huh?), and criminals. George got a drunk driving ticket, ONCE when he was 21, and you didn't? Give us all a break lady, and stop choosing evil as your friend.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Bushes, then the clintons. The kennedys are great for this country if your on the left side of the isle.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    no longer anyone in united statesa. is seduced via the glamorized Kennedys. The trees chanced on as basic human beings, albiet very rich. the version is they have been in a position to connect with huge-unfold human beings, in strategies that the Kennedys in simple terms would desire to no longer.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Why are you using the word "evil" do you know what you mean by this?? I think that the word "evil" is to loaded for a description of a democratic elected President in the USA. Now if you were talking about Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Husein, Castro, etc. then you could talk about evil because there is a big different. Don't you think??

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Prescott Bush, Dubya's granddaddy, funded the Nazis. Dubya is now helping the Zionists regime of Israel by going to war all over the Middle East for Israel.

    Looks like the Bush family has always been in bed with the Zionists.


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