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Ilusion fragte in Science & MathematicsMathematics · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

sum i^2. How do you deduce the formula?

I am not asking how to prove it, I have proved it when I was 16 as a school task. But I have always wondered how it was developed. I finally found a proof.

If you want it, ask me, and I will send it by mail. But Id like to see other ways to prove this.

Thank you



Thanks for the answers, I like both of them.

The puzzle was very interesting idea, I will check this out tomorrow.

Ben, I am sending to you my proof if you tell me how I can do this. You allow emails. But write to me and I will send the proof to you


Update 2:

Hey. Thanks for your proofs

2 notations remarks:

1) Instead of sum [1 to n] (i^2) I willl just write sum i^2

2) C(m,n) = m!/[n! (m-n)!] Combinatory number?

OK, this was my proof. I didnt really recall the formula, this was the reason why I had to find a way to deduce it.

I first proved (using induction) that (sum x_i)^2 = sum (x_i)^2 + 2sum [(x_i)*(x_j)], (i different from j)

Then I expressed sum i^2 this way:

1 + (1+1)^2 + (1+1+1)^2 +(1+1+1+1)^2+... +(1+1+...+1)^2 (In this last terms there are n ones)

This is equals to

1 + (1+1+2) + (1+1+1+2+2) + ... + (1+1+1+...+1+ 2+2...+2)

since any of the products (x_i)*(x_j) are 1.

In the last term, there are n ones and C(n,2) twos

1 + (2 + 2*1) + [3+ 2(1+1)] + [4 + 2 (1+1+1+...+1)] + ... + [n + 2 (1+1+1+...+1)]=

=1 + [2 + 2 C(2,2)] + [3 + 2 C(3,2)] + [4 + 2 C(4,2)] + ... + [n + 2 C(n,2)]=

= (1+2+3+4+...+n) + 2 [C(2,2)+ C(3,2)+ C(4,2)+... + C(n,2)]

Update 3:

The first term is n(n+1)/2

So, I just had to calculate this:

C(2,2)+ C(3,2)+ C(4,2)+... + C(n,2)

In order to use the Stieffel theorem [C(m,n) + C(m,n+1) = C(m+1,n+1)], I changed C(2,2) by C(3,3). Both combinatory numbers are equals to 1.

C(3,3) + C(3,2) + C(4,2) + C(n,5) + ... + C(n,2) =

= C(4,3) + C(4,2) + C(5,2)+ ... + C(n,2) =

= C(5,3) + C(5,2)+...+ C(n,2) =


= C(n,3) + C (n,2) = C(n+1, 3)

Hence sum i^2 = n(n+1)/2 + 2 C(n+1,3)

sum i^2 = n(n+1)/2 + 2(n+1)n(n-1)/ 6

sum i^2 = n(n+1) [3+2(n-1)]/6

sum i^2 = n(n+1)(2n+1)/6

BTW, I noticed that sum i = C(n+1,2)

And sum i^2 = 2 C(n+1,3) + C (n+1,2) or

sum i^2 = C(n+1,3)+ C(n+2,3)

Funny, isnt it?

Take care and happy Valentines day to everybody!!!


2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Here is a way to prove it. Let's assume it is a cubic polynomial. This is a pretty reasonable assumption given you know the sum is less than n^3 and the second half of the sum is at least (n/2)(n/2)^2 = (1/8)n^3.

    Ok, now that we know it is a cubic, let the formula be for sum of the first n squares be:

    an^3 + bn^2 + cn

    the constant term is zero, since the sum of the first 0 squares is 0.

    Then we also know that the sum of the first n+1 squares is:

    a(n+1)^3 + b(n+1)^2 + c(n+1)

    So you now have the equation:

    an^3 + bn^2 + cn + (n+1)^2 =

    a(n+1)^3 + b(n+1)^2 + c(n+1)

    Looking at the coefficients of n^2, n, and 1 in the above gives you the three equations:

    n^2: b+1 = 3a + b

    so a = 1/3

    n: c+2 = 3a + 2b + c

    so b = 1/2

    1: 1 = a+b+c

    so c = 1/6

    So the formula is:

    (1/3)n^3 + (1/2)n^2 + (1/6)n =


    Edit: I would be curious to know what derivation you have seen. I like the wooden cubes idea, but I am not that handy with a saw =)

    Edit2: Is the proof you found online as well? If so will you post a link when the question has expired?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    So get yourself a large pile of small wooden cubes and a glue gun.

    Glue together lots of different sized squares (1xnxn). Now make what I call "staggererd square pyramids" by stacking up squares of size 1,4,9,16, and 25 say. Do it in such a way so that corners line up, so you'll get something lopsided looking. Now make 6 of these staggered square pyramids.

    It is a pleasant puzzle to fit them together into a solid block of size

    5x6x11, which proves the formula in this case. Then just a little imagination shows you that you could do this same puzzle with 6 n-high pyramids, and get a solid block of size n(n+1)(2n+1), as the formula predicts.

    Edit: I got the cubes from this webpage: " It was kind of hard work; I wish there was an easier way!

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