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beerhand fragte in Computers & InternetInternet · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Comcast and Rhapsody - what type of account to choose?

Hi have signed up by comcast internet. I try to create an account with Rhapsody (Comcast provides free access for their internet customers) but if i select the "free plan" i was told that i can not select this plan. I do not want to subscribe for any of the other plans. If I select one of the others, i need to enter credit card etc. and i do not want to pay for it (Comcast should do it ;-)). I could not find a plan that says "Comcast plan" or so. What plan do i need to select without paying?




@Norm: I was already there. I have downloaded the software and tried to setup an account. What plan did you choose?

Update 2:

Not sure. Now it seems to work. I assume there was a synchronization issue.


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