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Florian D fragte in Unterhaltung & MusikMusik · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

wer kennt das Lied das über einen gewissen jonny B. geht eher ein rockiges Lied wers hat bitte melden?

unter ICQ:328-156-459. ich weiß leider nicht wie es weiter geht jonny b. ..... to see keine ahnung hätte es nur gerne

10 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Der Song kommt von den "Hooters". Heisst "Johnny B"

    Den Text findest Du z.B. unter

    Aber auch wenn Du das bei google eingibst, kommst Du sicher weiter.

    Du hast aber Recht: Der Song ist echt ziemlich geil!

    Viel Spaß damit!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    das ist jhonny b von den hooters

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Der Song "Johnny B." ist im Original von The Hooters.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    ja Jonny B ist ein wirklich guter song von den Hooters

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Eindeutig Johnny B. von the Hooters. Habe leider die CD zu Hause liegen. Aber heee...all you zombies ist auch ein cooles Lied von denen, ;-)

  • dirk h
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    the hooters

    Peter tosh

    Judas Priest

    Chuck Berry

    Michael J. Fox

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Wenn du das Lied aus Zurück in die Zukunft Teil 1 meinst !

    Das Heißt Johnny B. Good gesungen von den Starlighters

    Quelle(n): gefunden bei
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    eindeutig "Hooters"

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    Das Lied wurde von Judas Priest gecovert.Ziemlich gute Version.

    Die CD heisst Ram it Down.

  • Manu74
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Down Low - Johnny B.

    Check it out it's eleven thirty my hand is getting dirty

    snatching up things that probably can't be waiting

    now this is the vision of a violent life

    living by a guard and totem of the night

    I'm slaming the doors 2-4-5 I'm pulling the keys

    these are the traged valuable luxuries to me

    at the early dawn before you yawn

    I've been there swiped you and then I'm gone

    Now it's six o'clock my heart tic-tacs

    a black sadden bag full of bad ass-rocks

    my identity has to be exposed

    stealing from the spot that I've surely chosed

    I lose and enfuse my choice to chose

    now I fix and I'm falling deeper in the mess

    there's no hope for me see

    my path's been chosen I'm Johnny B.

    Johnny B. how much there is to see

    just open your eyes and listen to me

    straight ahead a green light turns to red

    oh why can't you see oh oh Johnny B.

    Johnny B. how much there is to see

    just open your eyes and listen to me

    straight ahead a green light turns to red

    oh why can't you see oh oh Johnny B.

    The situation's tight you are billing by the night

    can't choose between the wrongs and the rights

    now I'm searching for the clues yo what am I to do

    I got the habit to take the valuable things from you

    here I stand and I'm physically trapped by my tent

    drifting northern breeze triumphal I discomment

    a lonely path when I stand alone

    a round mothern flexion abonding by my own

    Here I lay down into certain depths

    people's spirits come and grab my very last breath

    sometimes I wish reverseness in my path

    a simple guest or a simple laugh

    but I'm evil dirty and mean

    poor pump bloods puff through my bloodstream

    frightened huh you should be

    who am I… I'm Johnny B.

    Johnny B. how much there is to see

    just open your eyes and listen to me

    straight ahead a green light turns to red

    oh why can't you see oh Johnny B.

    Johnny B. how much there is to see

    just open your eyes and listen to me

    straight ahead a green light turns to red

    oh why can't you see oh Johnny B.

    Here we go here we go now check the flow

    here we go Johnny B. is in control

    here we go here we go now check the flow

    here we go Johnny B. is in control

    Here we go here we go now check the flow

    here we go Johnny B. is in control

    here we go here we go now check the flow

    here we go Johnny B. is in control

    Johnny B. let me tell you about Johnny B.

    that's right uh come on uh (ey)

    It's a sleepless night he's calling your name

    it's a lonely ride I know how you saw him

    again and again he's dressing his dreams

    yea Johnny my friend it's not what it seems

    Johnny B. how much there is to see

    just open your eyes and listen to me

    straight ahead a green light turns to red

    oh why can't you see oh Johnny B.

    Johnny B. how much there is to see

    just open your eyes and listen to me

    straight ahead a green light turns to red

    oh why can't you see oh Johnny B.


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