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Welches Farbfotopapier eignet sich am besten fuer Kirlianfotos und was waere zu beachten?

Welches Farbfotopapier in etwa Briefbogengroesse eignet sich fuer Kirlianfotos und kann man es selbst entwickeln? Was fuer eine Ausstattung braucht man dazu? Welche Buecher oder Webseiten waeren hilfreich, ueber die Kirlianfarbfotografie mehr zu lernen? Danke fuer die Auskunft!

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Hi, although I am sorry that I am not answering your question (please do not give me a thumbs down!) I was reading through your profile and you strike me as a very knowledgeable person and also very worldly and spiritual.

    Could you possibly email me? I'd love for you to answer me some questions such as

    1) telling me more information about Cancers...It's my astrological sign and I believe I am entirely a cancer.

    2) How can I know what my own aura is?

    3) How can I become less of an emotional and jealous person?

    How can I be less moody and help others feel energy and positiveness around me?

    4) I'm always worrying and I stay away from everyone besides my boyfriend because I feel I won't have a good time...I want to be more laid back!

    5) How can I learn to let the past go? I've been hurt badly in an emotional manner in a relationship and although I'm a happy person I am so overpowered by this that it keeps me from functioning.

    6) How do you feel about horoscopes and our destiny do you feel we can shape them or it's written in stone?

    You're probably a very busy person and I'm being a handful but you seem interesting and I'd love to know what you have to say...thank you!

    my email is


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