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server2003 XPclient cant display user or groups of domain?


i have a PC as domaincontroller all is working


in explorer/My network places/Microsoft Windows Network i can see my domain and all PCs connected to the domain and some shared folders

this works on server and client without problems

now i like to share a folder on the XP domain client PC

and i like to share it to a user of the whole domain or a user of the DomainControllerPC2003

i rightClick the folder and then i go to properties

i click share and add some users

but here i only can see local users .. no domain users and no server2003 users

is i choose location it only display my local XP-domain-client there is no Server2003-domain-controller or similar

what i have to do to see all domain users on a domain client

is there something in gpo?

please i need any tip

do i have to create all domain users on each PC?

if i try to add with DOMAIN\Server2003\user1 or \\Server2003\user1 or similar it say

The object named "Domain\User" is not from a domain

please help

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Sounds like the machine is not a member of the domain. If it is, make sure that the DNS settings on the client machine are correct -- it MUST point to the internal DNS server, NOT an external one from the ISP.

    If this doesn't fix things, disjoin if from the domain and add it back in.

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