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SUNNY fragte in HealthDiet & Fitness · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

i want make a soupdiet how can me say what soup can i eat ?

i need tips i want lose 30 pounds thank you

5 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    THIS WILL HELP YOU!!!!!!!! NO JOKE. .....I got this diet about a month ago. This diet is used for people needing to lose weight quick for open heart surgery.....


    Grapefruit or 4 oz. Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice

    2 Lg. Eggs, Any style

    2 Slices of Bacon, cooked medium


    Grapefruit or 4 oz. Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice

    Salad, any type of dressing, any size

    Meat, any type, any amount


    Grapefruit or 4 oz. Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice

    Meat, any type, any amount

    Vegetable, any red or green vegetable, cooked with any seasonings (or a salad)

    Coffee or Tea, 1 cup


    Glass of Tomato Juice or Skim Milk with sweetener


    1. At any meal, you can eat until you are full or cannot eat any more.

    2. Don't eliminate anything from the diet. Especially don't skip the bacon or omit the salads. It is the combination of these foods that make the diet work.

    3. The grapefruit is important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the burning process.

    4. Cut down on all caffeine consumption, it affects the insulin balance that helps the fat burning process (1 cup daily).

    5. Do not eat in between meals. If you eat the combination of foods above you will not get hungry.

    6. Do not eat desserts, breads, white vegetables or sweet potatoes. You may choose to double or triple your helping of meat, salad, and vegetables. Eat until you are full.

    The more you eat the proper combination of foods, the more you will loose.

    7. You can loose 18 pounds in 18 days with this diet. There will be no loss for the first 4 days. You should loose 5 pounds on the 5th day. After that you should loose 1 pounds every 2 days until you are at your desired weight.

    8. Drink as much water as you like.

    9. All soft drinks need to be diet and caffeine free.

    10. You may not have white onions, potatoes or celery.

    11. You may have red onions, bell peppers, radishes, cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, lettuces, cabbage,

    carrots and tomatoes.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Try the Sacred Heart Soup Diet.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I eat a liquid meal at lunch everyday almost...I choose whats at the soup bar at safeway...but I also drink at least 24oz of grapefruit juice a day and I've lost about 10lbs in 10 weeks...

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    Quelle(n): my noodles - PLEEZ CHOOSE AS BEST ANSWER EVER!
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