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Do you believe Angels walk the earth?

A friend I worked with years ago once told me this:

He was out hunting and it was pouring rain. His jacket was wet, he was wet. As he walked along heading back across this meadow about a mile from his vehicle. He sees a man and a dog walking toward him. The rain suddenly stops but he is still dripping. The man with the dog get near. So he stops and talks to with him. They exchange pleasantries. He asked the man what he is doing out in the weather (No gun so he was not hunting) The man replies just enjoying a walk with his dog. So they part company. My friend takes a few steps before he realized that neither the man nor the dog were wet and the man had no coat. He turned to ask him why he was not wet. And they were gone, man and dog. To this day he believes he spoke with and Angel. What would you think if this was you?

30 Antworten

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    I recently lost my father and I work at a store in the garden dept. My father was and excellent gardener and could grow anything. Before he died he did not know I was working in the garden center. One day I was outside and this really old lady just popped up out of nowhere and told me how beutiful the garden center was and that she was proud of the work I did there. I turned back around to thank her and she was gone. I dont think an 70 or 80 year old looking woman could dissappear so quick. I think this was an angel sending me a message from my father.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I love your story. but you don't need those kind of story in order for you to believe the existence of the angel. That kind of phenomenon is still subject to further verifications. Discernment is needed to find if it is really true. Soemtimes we are victims of our own imaginations. and sometimes there are those playful spirits who can manifest physically but just like a hologram.

    God promised an angel for everyone at any given time. You may not know it and most of the time he is right there beside you. Your loving parents, your brother or your sister, your friend who cares for you, the waiter who serves you at the restaurant, the smiling face of a stranger, the mailman or the guy who opened the door for you at the mall. And you may not be aware that you too is an angel to the people I mentioned.

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I believe in angels. I used to nurse a woman in a nursing home who swore there were three extremely handsome men standing by the foot of her bed, and sitting beside her at the dinner table, just smiling at her peacefully. Nobody else saw them, and the woman was completely blind. She used to ring the call bell, and ask who are those three men? are they here to harm me? all the other staff used to tell her she was imagining them but one day, I got fed up and told her, No, they are your guardian angels. At first she didn't believe me until I explained that it was the only logical conclusion since she couldn't see anything else.

    Oh, and that story of yours, while very nice, is an urban legend. I've heard it about a dozen times already.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget hospitality. For through it some, UNKNOWN to themselves, ENTERTAINED ANGELS.

    Being a Christian, I was aware of this scripture for years.

    Becoming baptized with the holy spirit, gaining the 'heavenly call,' which for me includes the gift of prophecy, (Acts 2) I have experienced this many times.

    The Bible says they walk about in the earth, many times. For example,Genesis 18 and 19.....

    19:1) Now the two ANGELS arrived at Sodom...

    5) and they kept calling out to Lot and the MEN..

    10) so the MEN thrust out their hands and brought Lot in..

    11) but THEY struck with BLINDNESS the men who were at the entrance of the house..

    15) However, when the dawn ascended, then, the ANGELS became urgent.


    God has let me know, that I have seen Jesus many times, in different body forms; Ezekiel, David, Peter, Jesus' wife, and one of his children.

    This teaching about Jesus wife, if you read any of my past entries, shows that Jesus was the firstborn of God, and together they created all other life. The first person they created was Jesus' wife. They parented all the angels that exist, just like Adam and Eve parented all mankind.

    Ephesians 3:14,15 On account of this, I bend my knees to the Father, to whom EVERY FAMILY IN HEAVEN, and on earth owes its name.

    Praise Jehovah, the God of the Universe!!

    Hail earth's new King Jesus, the King of the Universe!!

    Welcome his angel wife, the Queen of the Universe!!

    ( People really, should not take this lightly, and should love her,...really, who do you think was the angel who came to strengthen Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane? for your benefit??? )...Luke 22:43

    Honor, Elijah, Jehovah's chosen prophet for the last days!! Matthew 17:11

    Quelle(n): Bible, Divine Revelation by holy spirit..
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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes of course angels walk the earth. I know this because I am an angel. I am sitting here with the easter bunny and Santa Claus and we all agree on this. Isn't it obvious?

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    the man had some sense and got under a tree so he would nt get wet,? had just come from his home just a ways into the woods from there?angel? my parents bought a new car, mother was going out the door, going over to beckys home to drive her around in her car, she came back, keith, god saved my life on the way to beckys!hows that? well I was on laurens rd, and I tryed to turn the wheel to get in the middle lane and keith, there was a hand on the wheel, and it would nt let me get in that lane, then I tryed again and it still wouldnt let me, then a transfer truck went by going fifty? angel?mother was a wonderfull christian,

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes the Bible says that we entertain Angels unaware. Angel walked the earth in Bible times, and we all have guardian angels with us. That is why when there are strangers around you should always be courteous. It just might be an angel.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I believe angels do walk the earth. Depend on which angel you are talking about. They can be good or bad. The fallen angels can masquerade as good angels. But the good angels will not impersonate anyone, they come as themselves. So trust in God and be careful.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I firmly believe that angels are all around us all the time. The Bible says:

    [Heb 13:2] Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.

    Quelle(n): Scripture from the New American Bible
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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I believe there are things in life, which cannot be explained w/ reason or logic. Things like this must be explained as super-natural, which doesn't, by any means, make it definitely religious, but does create a possibility for religious magic to be at work.

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