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Do you think that the UN should send peace keepers to the Sudan Darfur Region?


George Clooney is giving this suggestion to the UN

5 Antworten

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    yeah... I think so... while they may not be able to stop all the slaughter, I think they could make a dent and possibly save thousands of lives...

    I've seen numbers that are as high as 900,000 deaths to around 600,000 over the past ten years... that's insane... so anything would help... it makes Saddam look gentile and kind...

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt dun tink any country is willing 2 commit troops...unless Sudan hve any of the below:

    1) Gold / Silver

    2) Oil

    3) Rich Minerals - e.g. Diamonds

    4) Plutonium

    5) Natural Gas

    If it does not hve any of the above...then y would any country bother...Innocent civilians dying in Sudan does not affect them in anyway...n UN cannot force them 2 commit...


  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes, of course. There are thousands of people being killed and raped and driven from their homes. This is a test for the UN in a very clear cut case. If they cannot intervene in this problem I believe they should just stick to being only humanitarian because they have no teeth when it comes to security.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    the UN has sent peace keepers to Bosnia and still Srebrenica happened in front of their eyes,thousands of innocent women and children have been slain,but they should send some peace keepers anyway

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Wasn't the 'motto' of the holocaust "never again"? Well it's already happened twice again - in Rwanda and Bosnia. Let's make sure it doesn't happen AGAIN. Or doesn't it matter so long as the people who die aren't white or rich?

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