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Any idea how to get in touch with him?

I am German, living in Germany. 2 Weeks ago, while on vacation with the american part of my family in Orlando/Fl, I met this nice guy while waiting on my food-order at Brannigan's. All I know about him is the following:

Name: Tim Meister

Occupation: basketball coach for college team

lives/works in: Tampa

We had a small, but really nice conversation and when my food-order came and it was time for me to leave, I didn't have the gutts to ask about a phone-number or anything so I just left.

Now I kind of regret not having asked for the number...

I already checked the internet but didn't really find any information that would have helped me in my "quest". So, if anyone of you readers could gimme a hand, help me out with additional information? Tim seemed to be a nice man and I would like to get to know him better *smile*

Thanks in advance for all the help!


PS: I would really prefer to have an email-address since I feel too shy to call... words are less "pushy"

Update 2:

I have already tried out the people search and stuff, that was easy-what I am looking for is an email address, a little more challenging that's why I ask for your help here! Maybe someone here who even knows Tim in person?

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