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sonne101 fragte in SportsVolleyball · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Where do you play volleyball?


i am from Germany and i am interested why and where you play volleyball.

I´ve read several questions and answers here and it seams to me that most of you play in school-teams or began playing in school-teams.

Do you have times besites in school?

(Sorry for any mistakes :) )


I am asking because here we can play just for fun or have to be a member of a sports club which offers volleyball.

I played volleyball in school too, but it was only one of several different types of sports.

We only had two hours sports lesson in school.

I love this sport and have played for 12 years in a sports club.

Update 2:


Kein Problem, ich find es gut, dass du es versuchst :) und man versteht es..

It doesn´t matter. I think it is great that you even try to speak german and i can understand what you say :)

19 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Here in the San Francisco bay area, adults have serveral options.

    1. Open Gym - Local high schools and community centers often setu nets and anyone can come play for a small fee. Teams are formed randomly, usually in a first-come-first-served basis. If you are new to the area, this is a great way to meet other players, show your skills, and get hooked up on a team for leagues.

    2. Weekly Adult Leagues - There are a number of adult leagues that you can join as a team and plays once a week for several weeks. e.g.,, Kezar (

    3. NCVA Adult Leagues - from December to April every year, runs adult women's and men's weekend leagues that plays whole day tournaments once a month.

    4. Outdoor Grass (casual) - friends meet after work and on the weekends at local parks. You bring your own nets and play doubles on the grass.

    5. Outdoor Grass (tournaments) - through out the summer, some groups run weekend outdoor grass tournaments for doubles, fours, mens/womens, rev-coed, coed. e.g.,,

    6. Sand - Some companies in the area has their own sand courts for employees. Otherwise, if you are willing to drive to the beach, Santa Cruz has a lot of good sand vb action.

    I believe other parts of the country also has similar options for adult vb players, more or less.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I started playing in school. Then went to a club team (during the off-season). And now..instead of club, i play on the beach :-) I love this sport! SOOO much fun!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I play anytime, anywhere! Heh, but I play on my highschool volleyball team in their gym because I'm totally obsessed with volleyball and it gives me something to be passionate about. I'm also starting club volleyball when the highschool season ends which will be at a local private school's gym. I play beach volleyball too but that is with friends and such on beach days, gotta love Florida. =)

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I actually started a volleyball team to play in competitions to raise money for cancer research. It is a tournament with about 15 teams playing. I have never played volleyball on my school team.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I play at the park in the sand with some friends

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I started in 5th grade in school and in club. I played club for three years and have played school 5,6,7,and 8th grade. I love volleyball.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    in germany it is probably a bit harder but i play on a warm sandy beach with friends, and we together have a dominant team that hasnt lost yet but if we loose it doesnt matter to me its great exersise and fun being with friends

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    everywhere i can play with my friends, a park or something like that. i play also in my school team but also in my country league. i love playng volley, it makes me feel great. and with a lot of practice you'll be a good player.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    I am hardik. I am Indian.

    I am playing volley ball since last 9 years in a club.started playing in school,now i am studying in engineering college n still playing. i am just of 20 years old.

    i like to play volley ball because of many reasons one of them is ---- I like to play this game vary much.

    -----i like to play matches with a team which is stronger than my team.

    I play volley ball at anytime.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    im a freshman in high school and this is my first year to play sis played on the schools very first team.

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