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73 fragte in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · vor 2 Jahrzehnten

I believe in the theory that wishes became true when many people pray for it. It might sound ridiculous but i?

I believe in the theory that wishes became true when many people pray for it. It might sound ridiculous but i want my love back. Just tell me if you would pray for me. I know there are many other things and many people, who deserve it more to pray for them, and I really do it for them, but is there any person who would pray for my love? I hope this so much.

7 Antworten

  • vor 2 Jahrzehnten
    Beste Antwort

    well if its something that is very personal to you and you really want it back... pray to God with a clean and clear heart... you will get it if your love really deserves you!! if he doesnt then you wont get it..

    just remember one thing that if you dont get her back... then thats in the best of interest for you! Its the matter of God which we dont understand.... thats why God is superior to us right :) cuz he knows the unforeseen....

    Good Luck anyway brother

  • vor 4 Jahren

    Jehovah's Witnesses prepare each body which will pay interest what the Bible truly says and at the same time as that occurs those that be taught they reality depart pretend faith because the scriptures say(Rev 18:4). 2 Corinthians 4:4 says that devil blinds the minds of the unbeliever and once their minds or released from devil's administration they depart pretend teachings like: The Trinity Hell fireplace immortal soul pagan gala's like Christmas and Easter Jesus died on a go Jesus is God's Son study Hebrews a million:a million-13 & Matt 28:18 Rev 20 14 say hell(an section) and death(a element) are solid into the lake of fireplace- how does God punish a element and an section?" Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; because the soul of the daddy, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die. Tammuz the solar god whose image is the go and whose competition became on the shortest day of the three hundred and sixty 5 days. Easter the pagan goddess of fertility whose image is the rabbit. Jesus is likewise our Lord and Savior in simple terms as he's yours we in simple terms do not have all the pagan gala's and pretend beliefs that pretend faith( 2Tim 4:3-4)

  • vor 2 Jahrzehnten

    To be really honest, I don't think praying is the best way to get your love back...

    But if it makes you happy.... sure I'll pray for you

  • vor 2 Jahrzehnten

    I'm lifting you up to our Father in heaven, may your heart's desire be granted may you know love now and forever, Amen.

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  • vor 2 Jahrzehnten

    I will if you tell us her name and yours.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahrzehnten

    it's true GOD listens atleasl one's

  • vor 2 Jahrzehnten

    hmmmmmmm ok - if it works let me know

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