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tripforyou fragte in Society & CultureEtiquette · vor 2 Jahrzehnten

Is suicide better or worse on your birthday?

My birthday is comming up soon, I have long been depressed. I have no intention of killing myself so please don't waste answer space telling me not to do it ;) I was just wondering... Do you think suicide on your birthday would be better or worse than suicide on other days of the year? If you think it would be more appropriate on another holiday, please specify.


I've been clinically depressed for 12 years, I'm past the point of suicide, I realize it's not an option. I still think about it though, and for those who have said things, I am in treatment and everyone I know knows that I am depressed.

17 Antworten

  • vor 2 Jahrzehnten
    Beste Antwort

    I think it would have a deeper effect on the people you love. This day might hurt therm the most. Although, suicide is something I could never do. Christmas would be bad, it would ruin this day for them for the rest of there lives. Halloween would send mixed messages. You might need to talk to a counselor about this.

  • loser
    Lv 4
    vor 2 Jahrzehnten

    Well, I think that would be a lousy birthday present. I would commit suicide the day before my birthday, that way I wouldn't have to deal with all the attention and I wouldn't have to know that I am a year older and still just as depressed. Besides all that, I want to clarify that I am not going to commit suicide, since I'm starting to sound like I planned this out. I don't have much to live for, but I may someday...who knows.

  • sarat0
    Lv 5
    vor 2 Jahrzehnten

    Your birthday would be a rather sad doy to do it on sure, but have you ever pondered Holloween as well? Or do some research and do it on a day/night when the planets are in alignment or an eclispe of some sort. That way people will always wonder...

    People around her like to jump out in front of fast moving school buses to kill themselves. Creates a tragety for more than 1 you know. Messes the kids minds up a bunch.

  • dmt479
    Lv 5
    vor 2 Jahrzehnten

    I think that suicide is bad and it shouldn't be done on any day. If your depressed, talk to someone that you trust and make sure that person knows things about depression. Ask for advice about depression. Good luck and I hope this helps!

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  • Worse

  • vor 2 Jahrzehnten

    Obviously not doing it is the best answer, but I think it would be worse, especially for the family and friends around you!! They will want to remember good things about you on your birthday, not the day someone died as well!!!

  • vor 2 Jahrzehnten

    I don't think it makes a whole lot of diffence either way, cause your birthday won't be special anymore once you're gone. A different holiday would be bad, though, cause you pretty much ruin that holiday forever for everyone you know.

  • vor 2 Jahrzehnten

    I think it would be better, because then you would die on the same day as you were born. you could even kill yourself at the exact minute you were born, that might be kind of interesting. But it may be worse for everyone else involved.

  • Tedi
    Lv 5
    vor 2 Jahrzehnten

    There is no good to it. If someone does this all there bad Karma will follow them. Life is for learning. Pain emties the cup that you full with happiness.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    no it does not regardless of if it replaced into no longer on a birthday because of the fact the relatives might have offered promises and are happy to rejoice yet then they locate out that individual killed them self and on their birthday they might sense somewhat unhappy.

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