Korrekturlesen, Englisch?

Nabend! Ich muss am Freitag eine Broschüre für den Englischuntericht fertig haben und da bräuchte ich noch ein paar Leute, die für mich auf Fehlersuche gehen. Also falls ihr etwas seht, seien es inhaltliche Ungereimtheiten oder auch Wortfehler, Ausdrucksfehler, was weiß ich, dann sagt mir doch bitte Bescheid!


Barack Obama, Democrat: Supporter of the “Pro Choice” movement (allows women to make the decision on their own). But he also encouraged the adjudication of the Supreme Court to make abortion only legal as long as the fetus is not viable on it´s own.

John McCain, Republican: Campaigns against abortions and for the protection of unborn life (“Pro Life”). McCain wants to cancel the decision of the Supreme Court and says the decision whether abortion is legal should be made by each state individually.

Gay Marriage and Gay Adoptions

Obama: Opposes gay marriage but also opposes a federal constitutional amendment to ban it, as well as a California effort to ban it. Furthermore he supports gay adoptions.
McCain: Opposes gay marriage and supports the California effort to ban gay marriage just like gay adoption.

Gun Control

Obama: Supports some restrictions on gun ownership
McCain: Opposes gun control in any new kind of way.

The Invasion of Iraq

Obama: Opposed from the beginning, now he wants to withdraw the troops brigade by brigade within 16 months.
McCain: Voted yes in 2002 and is still supportive. Ideally the troops will be back home by 2013

Economy and Credit Crisis

Obama: By initiating a 60 billion dollar infrastructure project he wants to create new jobs in the building, energy and environment sector. Also he wants to help financially stricken homeowners by accessing in a regulative way into the financial market and with a governmental fund.
McCain wants to advance the terms of the economy for companies with the help of investment and tax incentives. Due to the financial crisis McCain wants to make the high salary of managers dependent on the approval of the shareholders.

Health Care System

Obama wants to reform the health care system. By 2012 should as far as possible the 47 million uncovered Americans be insured. Either companies have to offer an insurance to their employees or they have to pay into a governmental open insurance system. The whole issue would cost about 50 to 65 billion dollars.
McCain: Above all McCain wants to reduce the costs in the public health sector. His solution for this is competition. Through tax allowances McCain wants to make health insurance affordable for anyone. His idea is “Less state interference, more individual responsibility”.

Expanding Nuclear Power

Obama is not a proponent and he is concerned about side cost and safety, but he has not yet ruled it out as a part of the energy mix.
McCain: Supports the expanding and would also subsidize the building of new nuclear plants.

What To Do Next?

Register to vote at www.register-vote.com
On your registration card you will find the next polling station
Check out the candidates´ websites: www.barackobama.com www.johnmaccain.com
Visit campaign offices in your area
Talk with your family and friends about the election – every vote counts!
Don´t be fooled by partial media coverages – form your own opinion

Presidential Election Tuesday November 4, 2008

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Das wars^^. Also falls es auch jemanden interessiert, wie das "Layout" aussieht (Deckblatt wurde mit Paint und Comic Life gepimpt - sehr professionel also), ich hab mal einen Screenshot hochgeladen:


Mist, leider musste ich das schon Freitag abgeben, aber trotzdem danke für das Angebot.


Beste Antwort

Bis wann brauchst Du das denn.
Schreib es noch mal an oldgerman@yahoo.de, dann befass ich mich mal wenn ich nicht gerade ins bett muss: es ist 01:25.
mfG gw38