kann mir jemand diesen text korrektur lesen? danke schon mal im vorraus!!?
At the beginning the war wasn’t succesful for the Americans. In 1776 the Britains conquered New York, one year later Philadelphia. The Continetal Cogress escaped to Baltimore. In this time there were several small battles.
First on October 1st 1777 the battle of Saratoga turned round the war. France put the chance, they allied with America and they entered the war. Also other Europeen generals supported the American army. For example they trained American soldiers for the war. In the middle of August, George Washington decided to attack the Britains at Yorktown. On October 19th 1781, the war ended with the battle of Yorktown. The Britains lost against the American-French confederation in one of the hardest batlles in the war. Yorktown marked the end of the war in North America, but the Treaty of Paris (Pariser Frieden) was signed first two years later, on September 3rd 1783. In this treaty Great Britain accepted the Independence of the United States of America.