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Lv 2523 points


Favorisierte Antworten18%

Thank you for your comment. You answered part of your question yourself. Most people under the age of 40 have been indoctrinated with the liberal additude since a very young age. (history does not agree with that thinking). If you achieve college level it gets really bad. The problem is, when you are young, you have not experienced life enouph to be able to recognize and formulate your own opinions about complex social problems with adequate undersand. Students often do not recognize that these educators have an agenda or goal. Teachers often motivate thier students by stating that this is free thinking and the older generation just doesn't get it. Many do not recoginize what is happening to them and accept what they hear as 100% correct. My point being, wheither you are young or old, people should question the reason for all this discussion being fed to us after someone speaks. If you listen to all that chatter ofter you forget what was really said by the person in questio