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Lv 32.137 points


Favorisierte Antworten38%
  • Is there a website where I could pay someone to complete assignments for me?

    I'm tutoring around a dozen courses through my college and before I enter a review session I like to have the assignment already completed so I can explain it more thoroughly. I can't complete an extra 12 assignments a week however to keep up with demand so I was hoping to find a website where I could outsource some work.

    10 points to best answer!

    1 AntwortHomework Helpvor 8 Jahren
  • Help with some excel code?

    I have a school project where I am doing various functions in excel. For one example I have two sets of dates. Projected Start Dates, and Actual Start Dates.

    If my Actual Start date is past my Projected start date then I want the date highlighted red, If it's earlier than the Projected Start Date I want it highlighted green, and if it's equal to the projected date then I want it to stay black.

    1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 8 Jahren
  • Help identifying a dog like animal in NY?

    hey guys just a curiosity. I live in lower NY and was outside eating dinner when I noticed an animal cross the lawn about 30 feet from me. It was defiantly a type of dog however I don't think it's domesticated. The dog was about 40 pounds with front legs that were longer than its back legs. It looked low to the ground and stocky but had a long dog face.

    3 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 8 Jahren
  • How to ensure that an entire table was transfered from one computer to another?

    I'm looking for as little human interaction as possible to erase transfer error. But at the same time I need to confirm all the files were transferred for an audit situation. So far I automated the copying process and want to confirm all the data was delivered by counting bytes transferred. Are there anymore efficient ideas to confirm the files were shipped from one computer to another without physically involving a human looking at them? Thank you, Be creative, and 10 points to best answer!

    1 AntwortSecurityvor 8 Jahren
  • In Excel 2010 how do you "form" print an area?

    I have a sheet that has all custom adjustments. It runs from roughly A:K and down to row 81. Whenever I use the "fit to one sheet" function it makes the bottom half of my paper a gap and compresses the info up top. I've even tried using the "Select Cells" function and still am having no luck. I know it can be done since everyone else in my class has the same template and could make it work.

    thank you, 10 points to best answer.

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 8 Jahren
  • Are theese splash guards rare?

    Hey guys I was cleaning out my fathers garage and in a box I found a pair or Cougar splash guards made by ford.

    My father collected a lot of valuable parts and when I went to look these up online I couldn't find anything. The only information I found was that the ford cougar was only made for a couple of years over a decade ago.

    I'm selling them on eBay but was hoping for more information on them in case I have something special.

    Here's the link with a picture of the splash guards and the code I found on the back.

    1 AntwortOther - Cars & Transportationvor 8 Jahren
  • Chest pain and sore throat for over 24 hours?

    Hey guys yesterday I was out all day and because of that I didn't eat much all day. Around 7pm yesterday I noticed a tightness in my chest when I breath. Later that night I had intense pain in my chest when I breathed and it hurt to swallow. I have bad heartburn in my family however I never had it. I thought it was heartburn so I took some Tums and ate. I couldn't lie down on my back the entire night, when I slept on my left side it was managable as long as my head was raised. I hear this is common for heartburn. This morning most of the pain in my chest was gone however my neck and throat are killing me. It doesn't feel like a sore throat from sickness but all the muscles around my neck in the back and especially the front hurt. It still hurts to take a deep breath or swallow.

    It's been 24 hours since it started up and I'm not sure what I have, I've been couch ridden most of the day because my neck hurts so much. I'm thinking maybe I slept on my neck funny and my stomach acid chemical burned my larynx or something. Does this make sense? any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    2 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 8 Jahren
  • Does anyone know any recipes for a healthy but very high calorie meal?

    Hey guys I have a weight problem but in the opposite direction of most people. I'm (6' 1") tall and weigh less than 135 pounds. This weight is not by choice, the problem is I have an extraordinarily fast metabolism. So fast in fact that I constantly have to eat to the point of being obnoxious and very inconvenient to me. I wake up about two pounds lighter than I went to bed due to such a fast metabolism and when I'm hungry it's almost debilitating.

    My diet involves a lot of beef and pasta for calories and all of my meals are very high calorie because frankly they have to be.

    I want to either gain weight or just not be hungry all the time but at the same time I like to eat healthy. I'm looking for any recipes that have a lot of calories but at the same time won't give me a heart attack when I'm 30. (No deep fried butter or fudge covered chicken).

    I guess what it comes down to is that I want to be able to eat about 3 meals a day and consume (3000 - 3500) calories a day.

    Thank you in advance and 10 points to best answer.

    2 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 8 Jahren
  • How to make myself sound interested in a low paying job at an interview?

    Hey guys I'm going for an interview for a low paying job and really want to know how to answer the question:

    "So why do you want this job?"

    I'm in college and was invited to attend an interview for a job that pays just over minimum wage as a secretary. I really could use the money however the job would only be for a single semester so it makes answering that question kind of hard.

    I can't exactly say that "It would be a great opportunity" or "I could really see myself growing with this company" or anything along those lines because we both know that it's really not that great of an opportunity and will only be for a few months.

    Points for creativity and as always 10 points for the best answer.

    Thank you in advance.

    1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 8 Jahren
  • Is there really any way to defend your self with a knife. Against an equally armed person?

    I just got lost in you tube world and watched a whole bunch of knife fight videos. I saw plenty of martial artists and "professional knife fighters" talk about how to take out an opponent. I feel like they're not even beginning to tell the story. One particular video talked about how to defend against a guy with a knife by hitting the crucial points.

    I've been hunting and have seen a deer run 50 ft before falling even with a direct heart shot so it seems a little crazy to me that you could do anything to the person before he had enough time to squeeze off a shot. Even against an opponent with a knife, I feel like even if you get a clean shot the other person could still potentially return enough damage to kill you before they passed out.

    It's kind of a gruesome scenario but I was wondering for the martial artists and military fighters is there actually any real truth to being able to defend yourself against an equally armed opponent with a knife?

    5 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 8 Jahren
  • How could I turn two photos into one photo that shows them side by side? (Ten points best answer)?

    Kind of lame but I was watching the new "dual survival" on discovery channel. They have a new person named Joe Teti who was a special ops soldier and former Green Baret.

    This guy looks shockingly close to a video game character named Big Boss from the video game Metal Gear solid. The soldier in the game also plays a special ops soldier and Green Baret.

    Long story short I found a photo of both of them that looks pretty good and I was wondering how I could turn the two photos into a single photo that showed them side by side.

    I'm not that good with messing around with photos but I feel like it shouldn't take that long to do.

    Joe Teti :

    Big Boss:

    I'm sorry I can't find a less sketchy way to put the photos up. But I promise the links are safe for all that's worth.

    Thank you in advance

    3 AntwortenPhotographyvor 8 Jahren
  • Help with Excel Please?

    Hello guys, I'm stuck trying to do a command on excel. I have a column of values that can be either positive or negative. What I'm trying to do is in a column next to it. have a command that will say "same" if the value before it is the same sign. Or say "different" if the sign changes. for example


    3 same

    -2 different

    -3 same

    5 different

    3 same

    I've been playing around with If statements but could really use some help. I got a hind that I should use both And and Not statements.

    10 Points to the best answer. Thank you in advance!

    3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 9 Jahren
  • What big news was there this week in relation to stocks? 10 pts to best answer?

    Hey guys I'm looking for some interesting news that happened this week that moved the stock market.

    Were any new policies put into effect affecting the economy, stock regulation, finance....

    Anything coming up soon that could?

    2 AntwortenInvestingvor 9 Jahren
  • Hard multivariable distribution Cdf and Pmf Problem. (10 points to best answer)?

    A die is thrown at random three independent times. Let the random variable Xi be equal to the number that appears on the ith trial, (i = 1, 2, 3.) Let the random variable Y be equal to max(Xi). Find the cdf and the pmf of Y.

    2 AntwortenMathematicsvor 9 Jahren
  • How will Hurricane Sandy affect Insurance companies?

    Hey guys I am trying to figure out how the storm will affect the insurance companies in the market as a school project and had a few questions for the experts.

    Which insurance companies got hit the hardest from Hurricane Sandy?

    I know that insurance companies keep a pool of money to deal specifically with natural disasters. Do you think that this storm caused more or less damage than they anticipated?

    Do you think insurance companies will be hurt overall from the storm or will they be able to make a recovery by hiring rates?

    Thank you in advance, any help is greatly appreciated?

    4 AntwortenInvestingvor 9 Jahren
  • Why did the Bank of Greece (GNB/PA) surge by 16% today?

    What is the news that caused this surge?

    1 AntwortInvestingvor 9 Jahren
  • Which fiancial stocks do you think are overhyped?

    Which stocks in the financial sector do you think are just blown out of proportion and are doomed to drop in the near future? It's for a school project.

    2 AntwortenInvestingvor 9 Jahren
  • What companies stock do you feel are going to decrease in the Financial Industry?

    Hey guys, I'm doing a project for school as part of a finance class. We were all assigned an industry, I got Financial Industry and we have to find one stock we think will increase in the next few months and one that will decrease.

    I don't know that much about about the industry but I'm having a really hard time telling if a stock could go down.

    Could you please let me know how to tell if a stock will potentially go down in the next few months and recommend a couple to look into.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, Thank you in Advance!

    1 AntwortInvestingvor 9 Jahren
  • Help with a moment generating function proof?

    I'm really stuck and would love any help I could get.

    let the random variable x have a mean µ, standard deviation σ, and a mgf of M(t), -h<t<h. show that..

    1) E((x- µ)/σ ) = 0

    2) E(((x- µ)/σ )^2) = 1

    3) E(exp (t( (x- µ)/σ))) = e^(( -µt)/σ) M(t/σ), -hσ < t < hσ

    Any help would be amazing, thank you in advance

    Mathematicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Continueous Probability (moment generating function)?

    Help I'm really stuck on a problem and would appreciate any help I could get.

    let P(x) = (1/2)^x for x = 1,2,3... and zero everywhere else be the P.M.F> of the random variable (x).

    a) find the M.G.F.

    b) find the mean.

    c) find the variance of x.

    Thank you in advance (10pts to best answer)

    1 AntwortMathematicsvor 9 Jahren