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I love Benjamin Lasnier <3

  • Difference between balayage and ombre hair?

    When I search up pictures of ombre and balayage, they look very similar to me. But they're both two different styles according to cosmetolgists. What is the difference?

    2 AntwortenHairvor 1 Jahr
  • Is this song a good first dance song?

    It's called "Never Say Never" by The Fray, I will post the lyrics below. I'm only asking because I've heard a few people say it's a good first dance song and some people have said it's not a real love song.

    What do you think? Please help me out!

    Some things we don't talk about

    Rather do without

    And just hold a smile

    Falling in and out of love

    Ashamed and proud of

    Together all the while

    You can never say never while we don't know it

    Time and time again

    Younger now than we were before

    Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go

    Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go

    Picture you're the queen of everything

    Far as the eye can see

    Under your command

    I will be your guardian when all is crumbling

    Steady your hand

    You can never say never while we don't know it

    Time, time and time again

    Younger now than we were before

    Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go

    Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go

    We're falling apart,

    And we're coming together,

    Again and again

    We're crawling apart,

    But we're falling together,

    Falling together

    Together again

    Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go

    Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go

    Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go

    Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go

    2 AntwortenLyricsvor 1 Jahr
  • How to get longer eyelashes without castor oil?

    Okay so I have been wanting to grow my lashes out naturally without getting $200 lash extensions and painful glued on lashes, so I turned to castor oil like everyone suggested, but one morning I woke up after the previous night of applying castor oil on my lashes and my eyes were blood shot read, puffy, my pupils were huge and I could barely see, so I m never going near castor oil again but I m still on the hunt for something to help grow my lashes, is there anything out there that will help my eyelash growth?

    3 AntwortenMakeupvor 2 Jahren
  • Should I apply self tanner before or after using a face mask?

    So I use self tanner daily and I bought a few face masks that help clarify and tone your skin and I’m not sure whether I should apply self tanner, wait until it sets in and then use the face mask or do the face mask first and after washing it off, I apply my self tanner. Can someone please tell me the order that these should be applied?

    1 AntwortOther - Skin & Bodyvor 2 Jahren
  • Why am I always cold?

    I'm constantly freezing and before you say it, yes I was checked if I was anemic which can result in being cold all the time and the doctor said I wasn't, so now I'm not sure why I'm always cold. I leave the heater on even if it's summer, I'm always wearing a sweater and sweatpants and fuzzy socks and I'm always told that I'm cold if someone touches my hand or something and I just don't understand, does anybody have any idea why I'm always cold?

    7 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 3 Jahren
  • Will my nose piercing leave a scar?

    Okay so I've heard people say you wont get a scar unless you had to take it out because it was infected or something, but mines not infected I'm just taking it out because I personally don't want it anymore, will it leave a terrible scar after it closes up that everyone can see or what will it do?

    3 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 3 Jahren
  • Best drugstore bb cream?

    Okay so I have a combination skin type but I would say it s on the more dry side in case you re wondering my skin type, I m looking for a bb cream that has light coverage, it doesn t have to be full coverage just some coverage for redness or pimples and such, what do you think is the best drugstore bb cream?

    5 AntwortenMakeupvor 3 Jahren
  • Best Drugstore Highlighter?

    I've tried Nyx Liquid Illuminator Highlighter and It looks beautiful but it never stays on all day, so do you guys have any other suggestions for drugstore highlighter that works very well?

    6 AntwortenMakeupvor 3 Jahren
  • Powder or Liquid Highlighter?

    Which do you think stays on better and works better for you? I can't decide whether to get liquid or powder highlighter.

    4 AntwortenMakeupvor 3 Jahren
  • What are the beauty benefits of drinking water?

    I've been trying to find a solution to help my skin, hair, and overall appearance look healthier along with my body, and I heard water would be a great solution, and I want to know all the benefits of drinking more water, What does drinking more water do for my appearance? how fast will I see results?

    3 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 4 Jahren
  • Is Eyelash Primer Worth It?

    I'm planning on purchasing an eyelash primer from the drugstore with good reviews, probably one from nyx and I just want to know is it really worth it to use an eyelash primer before applying mascara? Like what will it do for my lashes?

    5 AntwortenMakeupvor 4 Jahren
  • Best Drugstore Contour Kit?

    I'm looking for a contour kit that'll help make my cheekbones stand out a little more, I'm not too worried about highlighter because I have some, I'm just looking for a good contour kit or bronzer (basically the same thing) and I would prefer it to be from a drugstore so it's not so expensive, what do you think is the best choice for a drugstore contour kit?

    1 AntwortMakeupvor 4 Jahren
  • Best type of Bronzer to use? Cream or Powder?

    Okay so I'm not sure which would be better to use, I know different products work for different people but I'm not sure which type of Bronzer would be better to contour with to make my face look slimmer, and I've seen lots of makeup tutorials use cream bronzer and I've always used powder so what do you guys suggest would be better to use? And also my skin type isn't very oily or very dry (Its basically in the middle) so that's also a problem on deciding.

    3 AntwortenMakeupvor 4 Jahren
  • Extremely Sensitive Teeth?

    Okay so I had a deep cavity filled in January along with a couple small ones so its been 6 months since and my teeth are very sensitive and painful, and I understand hot or cold foods will put your gums in pain but I wont even be eating or drinking anything and my teeth will randomly shoot pain in my gums and its not even on the same tooth that was filled, one day it will be on my top teeth and the next it will be my bottom teeth, and my sensitivity tooth paste wont help and I don't know what to do, I heard root canal surgery was a choice but I don't know if that should be my first choice if there is something else that can be done, what do you suggest? please someone help!

    1 AntwortDentalvor 4 Jahren
  • Does drinking more water help your face become slimmer?

    I drink water a few times a day, and I drink 7 up soda (it has no caffeine in it) a few times too, I have a bad habit of drinking more soda than water, so I was wondering if I drank 8 glasses of water a day, would it help my face become slimmer and not bloated looking? and if yes, how?

    1 AntwortDiet & Fitnessvor 4 Jahren
  • How to feel less nervous for an audition?

    I have a singing audition in 3-4 weeks for honors choir, I auditioned last year and was so nervous I literally cried in front of them. (note: don't do that!) I've prepared myself now that I know what I'm doing, but I don't want my nerves to take full control of me to where I can't focus, I know it's normal for everyone to be nervous for any audition but how do you prevent it from getting the best of you? I have to do my best at this audition and I can't let all my practicing and such go to waste just because of my nerves controlling my mind, Does anybody who has dealt with this or understand what I'm going through have any advice or anything to help me? I really need confidence to give my best at this audition.

    1 AntwortPerforming Artsvor 4 Jahren
  • Any embarrassing high school stories?

    So something embarrassing happened to me in class a while ago and I still cringe when I think about it, I spilled a water bottle on my lap all over my jeans and sheet music I was studying, Luckily I didn't have to change cause the water dried up before class dismissed, but everyone was looking and one girl laughed at me, so does anybody have any embarrassing stories they'd like to share from a high school experience to make me feel better about it?

    2 AntwortenFriendsvor 4 Jahren
  • Whats a good curling mascara?

    I would like a mascara that helps lengthen and curl but I would rather it curl more, does anyone know a really good curling mascara? Maybe a drugstore brand?

    2 AntwortenMakeupvor 4 Jahren
  • How to become more confident?

    Okay so I have an audition for honors choir in a couple months and I know that s a while away but I would like to help myself now to be prepared, So every time I practice my sight reading and singing (You have to do that by yourself in front of the teacher for auditions) alone I sound great but in front of the teacher I get nervous, and I thought I was just shy and nervous I d mess up but I realize that all of that is not being confident so can someone please give me some tips and advice to help my situation, I can t do the audition without confidence.

    1 AntwortPsychologyvor 4 Jahren
  • Does anyone know a mascara similar to "too faced"?

    I really want the too faced "Better than s*x" mascara and its too pricey, does anyone recommend any better mascara that will give you the same results or have the same brush design?

    3 AntwortenMakeupvor 4 Jahren