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Lv 56.190 points


Favorisierte Antworten14%

We are Pagans, Renaissance Faire participants, amateur historians, MMORPG gamers and bikers. We love to visit places that have historical significance and really try to enjoy ourselves. We also make chainmaille jewlery and armour.

  • Who was it that said that all particles effect all other particles?

    I could swear that I saw it on an episode of "Cosmos" with the late Dr. Carl Sagan, but I also recall something in Dr. Stephen Hawkings' "A Brief History of Time". I am unable to locate those references now and they are pertinent to something that I am working on.

    4 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 10 Jahren
  • Are "good" Christians afraid to stand up for their own religion?

    This question is specifically directed to the decent Christians, not the right wing nut-cases that promote hate, intolerance and ignorance of scientific fact.

    I have to ask because of a thread, on another forum, about the American Christian hate group "The Call", which is supporting the "Kill the Gays" bill in Uganda. They couldn't get it passed here, so they exported their vile hate overseas.

    My question is why do you Good Christians not stand up and, as a whole, distance yourselves from groups like "The Call", the WBC and other Christian hate groups like that that give your religion such a horrible reputation? Why not tell your leadership to publicly tell the world that those Christian hate groups do not represent you?

    Note that I am not talking about those that are opposed to Christianity and commit Christian-bashing. You folks are too sensitive to that anyway.

    I am talking about your internal cancer of Christian hate groups, as mentioned above that give Christianity a bad reputation.

    Are you all prohibited by doctrine to stand against evil if it is fellow Christians that are evil? Afraid of repercussions from the groups that promote hate?

    Just trying to understand, since Christian silence regarding Christian hate groups, that do not really represent Christians, just doesn't make any intelligent sense.

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is the WBC really following the Devil?

    Almost every week, they are doing something that is an example of their hatred, racism, sexuality prejudices, and evil.

    They say that their "god" is a loving God, then in the same breath, claim that "god hates...."




    America's allies

    American soldiers





    certain individuals in the news

    Christians that disagree with them

    and just yesterday...........coal miners.

    How can they claim that their God is loving and just with all of that hate?

    Did their Devil play his/it's biggest deception on them by convincing them that he/it is actually their God?

    8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where can I find about government Grants to start a small business?

    I am trying to get my home business to the next step, but do not have the capitol to make it happen, for unrelated reasons that prevent me from getting a loan. I need to be able to advertise and pay for vendor fees at various shows, but most importantly, I need to establish a real shop for people to come to and where I can work on my product in a more effective environment for my work.

    4 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why do so many Christians and Muslims insult the rest of us who follow a different path?

    I know that asking for respect and decency has, thus far, seemed almost impossible to get, but as Pagans, Atheists, Agnostics, Druids, Buddhists, Deists, Hindus, etc., many of us get very insulted by being called "non-believers".

    Isn't anyone who follows a religion a believer?

    Why not be more respectful of others and call us all "non-Christian" or "non-Islamic"?

    Why is it so much to ask for the same respect for us and our faiths that you would want for yourself and your faith?

    18 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt