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Lv 772.173 points

Suzanne lily of the valley

Favorisierte Antworten12%

My name is Suzanne and I am happily and proudly, one of Jehovah's Witnesses and like to share my faith, since this world is so messed up, that there are many who wonder what it is all about? Well, for those ones, I really love to share my hope and why I joined here.

  • What could be the issue with my dachshund?

    We have had Archie for about 5 years now, but about a month ago, we had to put his brother to sleep and since then, he has been very strange towards me.

    I have never hit or shouted at him. I give him lots of hugs and he has always loved me to stroke his neck area, but of late, he growls at me. I smile and speak low, but he looks at me with sad eyes, as though he wants my affection, but somehow is frightened of me and it is very perplexing.

    He does spend the entire day with my husband at work, but I am the one who feeds him.

    Just a short while ago, amazingly, he seemed to want to sit on my lap, but despite me motioning to him and offering my lap and making it easy for him to get on, he reacted as though I wouldn't let him on. I mean: his body and face was right low to the ground and his eyes looked so sad, yet, I was smiling and being friendly.

    I tried to pet him, but he growled at me, so naturally, I stopped.

    I sense that soon, if I am not careful, he is going to attack me.

    My husband has not been kind to him in the past and yet, he always sits on his lap. What I mean by not kind, is raising his voice and has slapped him a couple of times. But, Archie prefers his dad over me. For me, I rather he liked both, not one or the other.

    It is upsetting.

    4 AntwortenDogsvor 5 Monaten
  • Why is a brand new samsung tab a8 wanting a pin number, rather than start up?

    I have just purchased a brand new tablet and it was already charged up, but immediately requires a pin number. This is confusing me, because surely it should be start up, so that I can put all the information in?

    5 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 8 Monaten
  • How is it recorded from ebay when refunded, but pay again?

    I refunded a buyer, but he stated he paid again by two different cards, but not sure if it went through. So, I checked my paypal and all it says is: refunded - payment. Not sure if that means that he paid again, since there is no other record of that.

    2 AntwortenOther - Business & Financevor 8 Monaten
  • Is there an affordable tablet ( android), with a good amount of storage facility?

    I used to have samsung galaxy tab 4 10.1, but after 5 year's, it died and had to be thrown away ie the motherboard.

    I would like the same size as the samsung galaxy tab 3, but not that one, because I could not download apps.

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 8 Monaten
  • Attachment image

    Which magazine does this come from (cross stitching)?

    I did this year's ago, but as you can see, I cut the fabric way too close to the edge and to frame it, I will need to hide a bit of work, which I really do not want to do, so I want to cross stitch it again, but cannot remember where I got the pattern from.

    2 AntwortenHobbies & Craftsvor 8 Monaten
  • Can you use sim cards when needed?

    I am based in France ( not French) and have always had a contract with a mobile outlet.

    Due to unfair pricing, have stopped using them. Have wifi still, which is why I am can use internet.

    I only go out once in a while ( have severe social anxiety), but at those times, I have no internet connection, due to not having a sim card.

    Can I purchase one without engagement and use when needed?

    1 AntwortMobile Phones & Plansvor 9 Monaten
  • Why does my phone keep saying: file not supported of formated, when trying to play music?

    I have an Altice S62, which is from sfr in France and is equivilent to the samsung phone.

    It is a great phone, accept I have terrible trouble with playing music. I downloaded a player, which I have used with my old phone very well, but often get: this file is not supported or formated. Sometimes I can override it and other times, I restart my phone and it is ok again.

    The thing is, if my music is not supported, shouldn't it not play at all?

    3 AntwortenMobile Phones & Plansvor 9 Monaten
  • Where on earth do I find a tracking number for buyers on ebay?

    All I get is: enter the number, but I can't find the number.

    I don't print up the postage label, so is there another way to find the tracking number?

    2 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 9 Monaten
  • Why is my bread not cooked in the middle, when using a bread machine?

    I had a bread machine that was working great, but suddenly, the bread was not cooking in the middle, despite being careful with the ingrediants. My husband and I thought that it was the bread machine not working, as I tried several different programs.

    Got a brand new one just yesterday and still the bread is not cooking in the middle. We both made sure of the measurements, but nope, did not bake. The outside is fine, just not risen and doughy in the middle.

    Really perplexed.

    7 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 9 Monaten
  • How to find the cause, when pressing play, but redirected to rubbish sites?

    I have checked my laptop for viruses and comes back completely clear, but still, when I am pressing play, immediately opens up another window with ridiculous content and often offensive.  I have to press play again and it works.

    Sometimes, I have to close the rubbish window, but other times, it automatically closes.

    4 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 9 Monaten
  • What describes a person who dislikes a subject, so does not think of the detail?

    I know this person, who has no appreciation for the detail of work I do, because he dislikes the subject.

    1 AntwortPsychologyvor 9 Monaten
  • Can someone advice me on a strange sense of needing to wash eyes ie from sleep, but they are perfectly clean.?

    Very difficult to explain!

    For the last two weeks, come the afternoon and my eyes feel as if I have only just got up and not had a wash yet.

    I can find nothing when searching and only will go to dr if it is necessary or I cannot find a solution.

    4 AntwortenOpticalvor 4 Jahren
  • Is blood transfusions really life saving?

    Please watch this video to find the answer to my question.

    16 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 4 Jahren
  • How big is 7.14 x 5.36 for cross stitching?

    As seen by my question, I am a true dunce when it come to maths and sizing.

    I do not want to waste fabric by guessing.

    The pattern shows a small picture, but due to my pure stupidity, I fear it will be the opposite.

    I used my tape measure, but am fluxed with the 14 and 36 inch part and would appreciate some help

    2 AntwortenMathematicsvor 4 Jahren
  • How big is 7.14 x 5.36 for cross stitching?

    As seen by my question, I am a true dunce when it come to maths and sizing.

    I do not want to waste fabric by guessing.

    The pattern shows a small picture, but due to my pure stupidity, I fear it will be the opposite.

    I used my tape measure, but am fluxed with the 14 and 36 inch part and would appreciate some help

    2 AntwortenMathematicsvor 4 Jahren
  • Why does one need to take neo carbimazole and levothyroxine at the same time?

    I was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid and put on the medicine for it and no side effects ( thank goodness) and results showed it working and so deminished it and then other test showed me to have an underactive thyroid; obviously caused by the carbimazole and so put on the meds for the other.

    I am not sure, though, why I have to take both medicines and dr is rubbish for explaining.

    Strangely enough, I have no symptoms at all, but going to follow instructions now.

    3 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 4 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    Can this be fixed?

    No instructions came with this and no information on the internet.

    Basically, as from yesterday, it is refusing to charge and not even my computer will recognise it. I plugged my phone it to see if it was to do with the computer or not and sadly, it is the speaker!

    For some time now, when it is playing, suddenly it makes the most awful noise, that is like it wants to blow up or something and when I put the sound down, it stops.

    Had it a few year's, but not enough to say that it is old.

    Is it: good bye or can I get it fixed?

    5 AntwortenDesktopsvor 5 Jahren
  • Can anyone recommend a ad free music player app?

    I am using a pretty good one, but tons of adds and some are pretty offensive,.

    I have tried searching but so far, found none that are good enough.

    3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 5 Jahren
  • What can I do to relief a mild muscle strain, in my upper arm, when paracetamol isn't working?

    I do arm exercises using 1kg weights, just to tone my arms. Have not done it for a couple of days and yet, out of no where, this afternoon, my arm starts throbbing; a deep ache. Used deep heat and arm got warm and red and my husband said it proves it is muscular.

    I have experienced some pain whilst exercising and so, reduced it.

    I cannot press down on my arm with my body, as the ache intensifies, but it does calm down a little when resting, but not enough to cause relief.

    There is no swelling or bruising.

    2 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 5 Jahren
  • Has anyone heard of a virus called: adds by add remover?

    I find this so ironic and completely inane.

    The usual places I look, no where to be found and not in my system.

    Slows things up and get stupid adverts.

    Using windows 10 now, but had it in 7

    Tried searching for it online, but can't find it

    2 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 6 Jahren