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  • Can someone explain the terminology? Alt right, neo-nazi, etc. It seems that they are slurs and not accurate.?

    And, if they are slur names, is it used to be offensive. Is it OK for a politically correct person to call someone by a slur name and then object to some other person using a slur name for someone else. For example the n word. Shouldn't the news media use the terminology that a particular group has used to identify themselves, whatever it is. About the only correct identifying word in all of this is hypocrisy.

    2 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 4 Jahren
  • Should the Crazy Horse Monument be removed?

    Have you ever considered the similarities between the Indians and the Confederates. They are both a defeated people by the Union, they have both lost their heritage by forced modification to Yankee law, they have both lost their land to Yankee migration. And, there are probably a couple of others. So, the question is, do liberals discriminate by showing political correctness sympathies towards the Indians and political correctness revulsion at Confederates. It would seem that if liberals want to be fair, if they want to remove the statue of Lee on a horse, they should remove the statue of Crazy Horse on a horse. Or how do they explain their bigotry?

    8 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 4 Jahren
  • Can anyone explain how the Chicago city morgue works? The size, staff, procedures?

    For example, do they actually conduct full scale autopsies on each person killed so that the police have evidence to try to

    catch the murdered? Or do they just skip the legal work because the cops don't even try. And who makes that decision? With all these bodies coming in, how are they released and distributed out. Obviously a funeral home may call for a certain body for a funeral, but probably for more than half of all the bodies, there is no call. Do the just box them up and take them to potters field with no name or identification. So how long do they store a body? Anyway, it would seem to be sort of a complicated handling process. May be more complicated than a UPS distribution center.

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 4 Jahren
  • Should Sessions fire Mueller and Rosenstein for collusion with democrats and then resign?

    Mueller and Rosenstein have had meetings that included democrats and probably didn't list the names of all of them. Mueller even hired a bunch of them. Sounds like collusion. Then Sessions should resign and let the democrats fume a bit. It would be over by the end of the week.

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • How can we sum up nothing burgers?

    Today Congress starts having hearings/meetings about who was in the room when somebody working for Trump had a meeting. Isn't the real reason that we are having all of these issues and concerns is not really about who was in the room, but simply that NO democrat was in the room? May be the democrats should get a law that says if you don't let them in to the meeting, you have to pay a tax/fine.

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • Does Trump's reiteration that the border wall will be built mean that the liberal swamp will go all out to try to impeach him?

    With the building of the border wall and getting rid of illegal aliens, the liberal democrats' schedule for socializing the USA is thrown way off. Even to the point that the democrat party may not be viable, except as a coastal regional party. So, with Trump again saying that he is building the wall, does that mean all out war by the swamp people and their champion gladiator Mueller? Mueller will have to go into action and find something super scandalous, and the easy way to do that is just simply create a big lie. We all know that lying is permissible to achieve liberal goals. So the question is do you have some ideas for lies to give to Mueller that are juicy enough to impeach Trump? You have to make them better than the prostitute bed peeing lie that you believed a couple months ago.

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • Did obama ever commission anything? Is anything military named after a democrat?

    Right now, President Trump is commissioning the world's biggest and most advanced air craft carrier, named after another Republican President, Ford. So, the question is: was obama ever seen with a military weapon? And, if he wasn't, is that because of his policy or did the military just hate him so much they avoided inviting him to such things as commissioning a ship. One would think that in the case of this new super carrier, the Navy just delayed the commissioning until obama was gone. A final question. Do you think anything will be named after obama, and if it is, do you think it will be an instant slum?

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • Engineering has started on the border wall. Do liberals still believe it is a fake?

    The US Army Corps of Engineers has started the engineering work on the border wall. What they are doing is gathering the information necessary to design the wall. Such things as the type and strength of the soil, contours, drainage, etc. It is sort of like what is done to build a highway. Also read the initial request from Homeland Security. It is interesting. ""In March, the Department of Homeland Security put out a call for prototypes of a “physically imposing” and “aesthetically pleasing” border wall."" This means that it is not going to look like the old fence, which shows a lack of imagination, which translates to an American fearfulness of the Mexicans. We might even have a tourist attraction, like the great wall of China. Any comments, or are the liberals still set on destroying the USA?

    6 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 4 Jahren
  • Do you think that the republicans just destroyed themselves and national socialized healthcare is the result?

    It looks like the republican senate has committed harakiri by defeating a senate bill that they created that was so bad they would not pass it. That is an example of not being able to lead in a crises. Likewise, the republican house, passed its version barely, knowing that it would die in the senate. So, after 8 years and all the big talk, and sending republicans to Washington to fix the mess, the republicans have shown themselves as unable to lead. Expect a disaster for them in 2108. So with the new Congress, probably the best guess is that the democrats will replace obamacare with single payer government socialized healthcare. And, Trump will sign it. He has always said that he will agree with whatever can be created by Congress, if it will only get rid of the obamacare disaster. Another aspect of this is that it will make Trump look good to the democrats, and will insure his re-election in 2020, with a democrat Congress.

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • Do you think that the democrats shot John McCain in the eye with a lazer beam to stop the repeal and replacement of obabamcare? Football?

    A couple of weeks ago, the democrats shot Steve Scalise in the gut + the cops. And 2 people who knew the details of Hillary's involvement with Russia are dead from murder and suicide. And, there are various groups of democrats from "Black Lives Matter" to "Antifa" who are preaching and practicing violence. So, which university do you think the democrats will burn in September when the football team loses?

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • Do you think that these Eastern European women are so pretty because of past, secret breeding by the ruling class?

    Do you think that one reason that these Russian and Ukrainian, women are so pretty is because of past breeding habits and customs? That the royals sort of went looking for the pretty girls and took them to their castle. After a few kids, they were replaced, sent back home and new ones were brought in. That this was going in Russia and Ukraine back in the days of the Czars, and when the Soviets expanded into all of eastern Europe, they took those genes with them. And that is how Melania Trump ended up in Slovenia? If is a known fact that Beria would be driven around Moscow and he would select a woman who would then be picked up and taken to his place. After he was finished, she was sent on her way or shot if she had a bad attitude. May be Beria was just following a long tradition. Beria was also recognized as the most brilliant of all of the communists. So, you have the possibility of very smart and good looking women.

    2 AntwortenRussiavor 4 Jahren
  • Do you think Putin or another outside communist influence is driving this anti-Trump campaign. Is this protest the real conspiracy?

    There has to be money behind it to keep it going. And, it just has to be more money than selling commercials on low rated cable news channels, or in a news media that is so broke it is firing most of its employees. So, where is the money coming from? It has to be foreign governments who don't like Trump and want the way the country was going under obama, i.e. downhill. That limits the possible candidates to China, Russia, Iran. So, it could be that the real foreign interference and conspiracy in the US election is what is going on now, not this silly anti-Trump stuff that the snowflake crowd is hanging on to. That the democrats and liberals are actually what they are protesting. That they have been set up by Putin and his buddies to corrupt the election. These adversarial leaders tend to know how to handle US liberals, and the democrat leadership is either so devoid of talent that it does not know what is going on or has sold out to Putin.

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • Why did the news media cover up the fact that President Bill Clinton nicknamed his White House office the Ovary Office?

    Were they trying to maintain some dignity for the Presidency regardless of his being pursued by liberal women, or were they just trying to hide the truth? Hillary had to know what was going on, and didn't care because she could use it to gather sympathy and further her political ambitions. As, it turned out, she had to settle for a billion and a footnote in history as the last viable candidate of the democrat party.

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • Have you noticed that you illegal Mexican population has decreased? Wonder what the school enrollments will show this September?

    Around here, it is becoming apparent that the illegal Mexican population is decreasing. The hard work is being done by Mexican Americans who are probably being paid more. So may be the era of slave labor is over. Liberals always liked slave labor as long as it wasn't black. It will be interesting to find out if Mexican families with kids have also gone home. Hopefully, we can get some data in September when schools start.

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • How ridiculous can it get? Morning Joe is now harping that Trump, Jr. misstated who was in the room for the Russian meeting.?

    So, MSNBC has its new outrage this morning as it spirals downward to journalistic oblivion. This recent one is that Trump, Jr. did not mention 2 side players in the meeting, one of which was an interpreter, the other one being the intermediary who introduced the two sides. And then accuse him of lying because be was not complete in all details about this nothing burger. What is more obvious is that these pundits on MSNBC know that they are fighting each other for survival of their jobs. Morning Joe is going to get canceled when Joe and Mika get married. But there will be a new show, and it may need a couple of holdover commentators. So, they are fighting each other to see who can come up with the more clever negative comment. The real question is the details about the Russian lawyer. Who she is, how she was there, and what did she want? It is those details that the Morning Joe pundits avoid because it all goes back to democrat Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the swamp of obama.

    9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • Do you think the New York Times reporters are creating scandals in order to keep their jobs?

    It would seem that with all of the firings and layoffs at the New York Times that a news reporter would come up with the idea that now is the time for him to write something controversial, and may be make himself non-firable and save his job. Hence, you have the nothing-burger scandal about a meeting between Trump campaign officials and a Russian lawyer that resulted in nothing. Likewise, if you had watched Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning, you could see the serious expressions on the faces of the hosts and contributors that something is going to happen. They are much too dour even for their current task of scandalizing a short, low level meeting that resulted in nothing, including no more meetings.

    19 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • Do you think that the democrat problem of Ivanka Trump sitting at the G20 table is that she is too pretty?

    And Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Have you consider that it is sort of like the difference between the 2 political parties.

    9 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 4 Jahren
  • Do you think that the primary target of North Korea's Un's nuclear ambitions is Silicon Valley?

    Of any place he could blow up and do the most damage, it would be Silicon Valley. Put the USA and the rest of the civilized world back about 50 years, and create opportunities for Iran and China. And, it just so happens to be about the first thing he would be capable of hitting. So, when he gets a rocket that will reach Silicon Valley will the temptation be too great to not use it? Might also point out that Un can be long gone before the missile launch. Like living good in China.

    1 AntwortMilitaryvor 4 Jahren
  • Let us all thank Hillary for donating the fireworks?

    In case you are not aware there is the best ever spectacular fireworks display for the 4th in New York City. It's on NBC. Remember, Hillary was going to have a big fireworks display there to celebrate her Presidential victory. It was canceled. This has to be the fireworks for that event. So, thank you, Hillary.

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • Have you noticed that ISIS has gone quiet?

    The Russians announced that they had killed the head caliphate, and Trump had a meeting with the arab countries about terrorists within their borders. Then things went quiet. My guess is an ISIS wannabe in an arab country is getting a knock on their door by the not too friendly cops. The USA can probably locate any computer in the world, and they furnish that information to the country. They go and get the kid and throw him in prison.

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren