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Sexy BBW and proud of it!

  • Do any of you have an ICD? How have you managed since getting one?

    I got an ICD implant (defibrillator) in the fall of 2010 due to having cardiomyopathy that resulted in heart failure. Luckily mine has never "shocked" me but I am nervous that it may someday. How has life been for you since you got one? Does yours cause you any annoyances or complications? If yours has "shocked" you, how did your situation go?

    1 AntwortHeart Diseasesvor 9 Jahren
  • Benefits to having a younger guy as a boyfriend?

    I've been dating a guy that is 7 years younger than me. I normally don't like younger men because of immaturity and inexperience etc... but something is telling me to go for this guy. He is very mannerly and respectful, and kinda old-fashioned to a degree, but just painfully shy. I must add that he is "inexperienced" if you know what I mean, but he is in his mid 20's. How could I make this situation work to my advantage?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • Am I selfish for not wanting to take care of my sisters kids?

    I am in my early 30's, unmarried, no kids. I do NOT want kids, and I have a thousand reasons why I don't. Even got a tubal ligation several months ago to make sure this never happened. My sister is irresponsible and not a very good mother. She has already lost custody of one kid, might lose custody of the next as soon as its born this summer. A friend of mine criticized me for not volunteering to take in any of them. I replied with "I love them but it's not my job to raise her kids." Am I being selfish considering I'm not in the best health/mental state/financial state etc...

    5 AntwortenParentingvor 9 Jahren
  • What is a good career for a person that loves to help people but easily gets irritated and overwhelmed?

    I have ruled out anything in the mental heath field or nursing and would prefer a desk job. Any ideas?

    2 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 9 Jahren
  • Need a guys opinion about sex...?

    I've generally heard of "having sex" being called just that, or "f^^^ing" or "making love." I'm trying to get opinions on what each one means to a guy. I had a boyfriend once that said he loved me but he always called it "f***ing" but had a FWB once that referred to it as "making love." I would assume that "making love" that there is love involved somehow (either loving that person or being in love with them) but I would view "f***ing" as just the act with no or very little feeling involved. What is your opinion? Would you always refer to just one of the terms no matter who you were with, or would you change them up to fit the situation you were in?

    9 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • What is a good foundation for someone with rosacea to use?

    I am on a drugstore budget. I've been using Cover Girl's Clean foundation for oily skin, but it doesn't cover up the redness very well. Most of my skin is oily but it sometimes gets dry and flaky on my cheeks where I have rosacea and the occasional acne breakout. I've tried using green tinted concealer over the redness before applying foundation but it looks horrible afterward I also have rather fair skin.

    5 AntwortenMakeupvor 9 Jahren
  • I can't seem to keep my under eye makeup from smudging. What am I doing wrong?

    It seems like no matter what brand I try or what technique I try, after I put on eyeliner and mascara under my eyes, within an hour or two it smudges and I get the dark under eye circles. I've used everything from as cheap as Wet N Wild to as expensive as Bobbi Brown. I've tried waterproof makeup, switched to liquid eyeliner, prepping with concealer, prepping with foundation, dusting with powder before AND after applying, using an eyeliner brush to apply a dark colored eyeshadow over top of the eyeliner. I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong! I have oily skin if that helps any.

    4 AntwortenMakeupvor 9 Jahren
  • What domestic U.S. airline do you recommend? What has your flying experiences typically been like?

    I would like to plan two trips, one to New York City and then later, one to Denver. I've only been on an airplane once before (round trip) from Ohio to North Carolina and back. It was a direct flight and it was when Skybus was still around, so I was able to get the tickets for $10 each way.

    I don't know why I have this weird fear if I have to catch a connection that I'm going to miss it and that my luggage is going to get lost. What is the likelihood that that would actually happen?

    I am trying to plan these trips as far in advance as possible (could be more than a year from now) and just trying to find good deals etc...

    Those of you that fly often, what has your experiences been like? Do you have any special tips?

    4 AntwortenAir Travelvor 9 Jahren
  • Friends With Benefits etiquette?

    I'm definitely not new to FWB situations but was wondering if any of you have any sort of etiquette in situations like that, even though things are very casual and unofficial.

    Is it okay to have more than one FWB as long as the other person (or people) knows? Would you ever have a FWB that was married? How do you handle it if one of you starts to develop feelings toward the other person? How do you handle the situation if you start a relationship with someone else? With your particular FWB do you do anything with each other outside of the bedroom?? Also, tell me your wildest FWB story!!! Feel free to add any other details one might need or like to know about a FWB situation that would be helpful.

    8 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • How do you deal with a friendship after you've admitted you had feelings toward someone but you were rejected?

    I have had this guy friend for about 5 years, and the last 3 years or so we became pretty good friends. Have traveled together on short road trips for an organization we are both involved, in business and in pleasure. I have gotten a lot of good advice and have learned a lot from him, considering he kinda has seniority in this organization we are both involved in.

    Back in the spring, I got brave one night and kissed him on the cheek after we had went to a concert together (which the concert was my idea, I asked him to it.) The next day I text him and said that I hope me kissing him didn't freak him out, and he said he was surprised but it didn't freak him out. Then I hear nothing from him for a long time. A couple of months later, I am in a relationship but I can't quit thinking about him and the friendship, so I text him and tell him I'm sorry if I made things weird for us. He said it was okay and that he just wasn't looking for a relationship. I never did find out if he even liked me or not!

    I have been working out of town since before the concert and I am due to return in about a month and I will be running into him again on a regular basis. I am very nervous and feel very vulnerable that he knows I have feelings for him, but afraid he won't ever feel comfortable around me again. How should I handle this? If he is that bothered by it were we even real friends in the first place? Can a true friendship overcome a situation like this?

    9 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • What has your experience(s) been like with polyamorous relationships?

    Do you think polyamorous relationships can work? Does jealousy often erupt? Do you have to be really comfortable with yourself and the situation for it to work well? Does everyone love each other equally or is there a main person someone chooses and the other person "knows their place?" Can there be polyamorous relationships with more than 3-4 people??

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • Is it a complete contradiction to be a LGBT Christian?

    I am bisexual and I am Christian. I was raised Catholic but in my teens and twenties I tried several different religions because I felt shunned by Christianity. But now I am Christian. The Bible may *say* homosexuality is a sin, but sin is sin and no sin is better or worse than any other sin, and Jesus forgives our sins and He loves us no matter who we are. I'm not here to promote Christianity, but when most people find out I am bi and Christian, they are very surprised.

  • What is the secret to happiness in life?

    What really makes someone happy? Is it true that money can't buy happiness? What advice would you give to someone that has had problems with being happy/finding happiness? Do we have the right to genuinely be unhappy for no good reason or is it all just a bad attitude?

    9 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 10 Jahren
  • How old is too old for a 30 year old woman to date?

    I am 30 and I prefer older men because men my age are immature and addicted to stupid video games etc... I'm trying to figure out how old is too old?

    8 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • Are there REALLY guys that like BBW's or are they just settling because they can't do any better?

    I am a BBW (big beautiful woman) and it seems to me (from what I've seen and experienced) that men only pick BBW women to settle down with because they can't do any better. Also, the girl might have a good job, keep an immaculate house, be a good cook, have great sex etc... but never for her looks. It seems that some guys have fantasies about having sex with BBW's but wouldn't want one as a girlfriend or a wife. Are there really guys out there that want BBW girlfriends or wives because they are genuinely attracted to them?

    6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • Is it weird for a woman's "hot spot" to be her urethra?

    A lot of people think it's gross because that's where you urinate from, but that spot gets it for me every time! I also have a better orgasm if my bladder is full.

    4 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 10 Jahren
  • Why do you think people choose to get with married people?

    What is your opinion of someone that chooses to ONLY date married people?

    Do they have low self-esteem? Are they afraid of commitment? Are they chasing after the thrill of it all?

    If people flock to the "other person" what qualities does this "other person" have that their spouse doesn't? And why do they rarely leave their spouses?

    3 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 10 Jahren
  • Have any of you had the Essure procedure or an endometrial ablation? Please share your experiences...?

    I'm going to have both done in about a month. I am nervous.

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 10 Jahren
  • Should I reveal to any future boyfriends that I am bisexual?

    I have known I am bisexual since my teens but I decided not to date women anymore because of the rough relationship I had with a woman I dated a few years back. I went a long time without dating because I needed to work on me but this spring, when I started looking again, I revealed I was bi to the two men I got in a lot of conversation with, and I ended up being in a relationship with one of them until last week. I decided to tell them because neither of them were religious. When I have dated men before, I usually got one of two responses from them about my bisexuality. One (the most common one) was that they were really interested in it and were asking about threesomes (ugh, why do people assume that's all bi people do?) or two, we are highly criticized saying that we can never be faithful and that I'm just confused, and even have had religious boyfriends saying I was going to hell, and had even sent me links to a ministry that helped people become straight again. With the last boyfriend, he often asked how many of my female friends I had "banged" and thought it was acceptable to check other women out in front of me, assuming I would be doing so as well. I want to be true to myself and be honest but if something is no longer in the picture and I have no intentions on acting on it, should I reveal it? I know I am still bisexual because I am still very much attracted to women (in all the ways one can be attracted.) I am not out to a lot of people, just close friends and family and the people I have dated or been in a relationship with. It seems like telling them always causes a lot of problems so do they even need to know if I don't ever intend to be with anymore women ever? I believe in monogamous relationships between TWO people and that I'm not "confused" or it's "just a phase" and all that other B.S. that you usually hear about bisexuality. I am also born-again Christian but I decided not to date women anymore LONG before I became born-again (and I am not suppressing my bisexuality because of religion, I highly believe Jesus still loves me anyway and I am just a sinner like anyone else.) I would most prefer to settle down with a Christian man and I know they would likely be the most likely to be uncomfortable with it.